Imagine 4 - Best Friend = Vampire

213 8 6

Requested by: @caitlinPhoran

Your P.O.V:

Me and my best friend Gerard are currently hanging out at the park at evening. We're both currently talking about nonsense. Silence overcame our speaking and we had no idea what else to talk about. We both looked about for a little while and he broke the silence, thank god. "Hey, do you wanna get food? There's a Chipotle down the road." I nodded and he went to get the food after I'd told him what I wanted. He stood up from the bench, wallet in hand and walked across the road, down the street and into the Chipotle. I sat patiently waiting for him to coming back whilst I played on my phone.

I checked my watch and it had been about ten minutes since he went to the restaurant. What is taking so long? I turned my phone off and put it back in my pocket and got up. I walked towards the Chipotle and he wasn't there. What? I heard a weird noise coming from the nearby alley and ignored as it's probably just some people having sex in there. I stood by the Chipotle thinking about where he might be. Maybe the bathroom? Nah, he's always quick in there. I stood there confused. I heard the noise again and it sounded different from last time, as if the person were slowly dying. I peered my head around the brick corner of the long alleyway and noticed a young girl pressed against a wall with someone sucking on her neck. It looked like.. no it can't be. "Gerard?" I said. His head shot up and his face was full of shock and the girl ran away slowly, clutching her neck. I stood there in fear and disbelief. The dark red liquid was coming out of the side of his mouth and was staining what looked like fangs. "You're a..." I said. He wiped his mouth, looked at his shoes and nodded slowly. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I was afraid you'd be scared of me.." Oh my. "Gerard... I wouldn't be scared.. I'd be fine with it.." I said to him and he looked at me slowly. "Really?" he asked. I nodded and he let out a sigh of relief. "I have some other stuff to tell you.. Wanna head to mine?" he said. I nodded and we got the food from the Chipotle as I was hungry and walked to his place, which was only ten minutes away. When we got to his house he opened the front door and let me in first. His parents and Mikey was asleep so we had to be quiet. After he closed the front door we silently made our way upstairs to his room, careful not to wake his parents or Mikey up. We got into his room and sat on the bed. He began to speak, "So yeah I'm a vampire.. Next to that I'm only your friend to get close to you so I could feed off you every once in a while.. I know it sounds like I'm a fake friend but I'm also.. " I looked at him curiously at the last part he said and he breathed slowly and said, "Fuck it." The most unexpected thing happened after he said that. His lips crashed to mine and I immediately kissed back. I had no idea he loved me too. Oh my god. Our lips never left contact. He pulled away after a while and asked. "Wanna be my girlfriend?" I nodded and kissed him. I got a piece of shirt near my neck and pulled it down for him. He looked at me if I was sure and I nodded. He's a vampire, he's gonna need it. He slowly put his lips to my neck and inserted his teeth. It stung a bit but I managed. I let him suck some of my blood out until he was satisfied with the amount he got.

After some time he pulled away and checked on me. "I'm okay, just a little dizzy.." I told him. He nodded and told me it was normal. He laid me down and let me rest. He kissed my head sweetly before cuddling me and falling asleep with me. I don't care that he's a vampire, he's still Gerard.

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