Imagine 3 - I Have A Boyfriend

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Requested by anon

Your P.O.V:

"Gerard's here!" dad yelled. I ran downstairs happily and hugged Gerard tightly, he returned a hug back just as tight. We both ran upstairs to my room and I yelled to dad on my way up, "Shout me if you need anything!" Once me and Gerard got in my room we sat down on my bed and were occasionally talking and kissing.

My mom and dad were downstairs letting us have some peace. Gerard is still ecstatic that my dad is Billie Joe Armstrong, he loves Green Day. Dad doesn't know I'm dating Gerard, he just thinks it's a very close friendship. I'm going to tell him eventually but he's quite protective as he worries about me a lot, whether it be school or being generally ill. I heard a knock at the door and told the person to come in, which so happened to be my dad. "Hey, bought you kids some snacks!" he said enthusiastically and laid the tray of snacks of my desk. "Thank you!" I said, sounding like a five year old. Dad giggled and left me and Gerard to carry on with what we were doing. "Have you told him yet?" Gerard asked. I shook my head. "He's quite protective so I'm not sure how he would take it.." I said. "He should be okay with it. He had told me he likes me so.. He should be okay with it. I mean, it might surprise him a bit but still.." Gerard said to me. I nodded at his words and thought about it. "I might tell him and mom at the same time.. that way they'll both know. My mom won't mind so much about me dating you, she would be glad I'll found someone to love, not that my dad won't it just he's gonna be wary." I said and Gerard nodded. "I'll tell them later today. Could you stay with me while I do it?" I said. He nodded and said. "Of course, I'll always be with you.." He kissed my lips after he said that and the kiss was really sweet. God, I love him so much. We carried on making out for about ten minutes and pulled our lips apart when dad knocked on the door to tell us that dinner was ready. We got up off my bed and followed dad to the dinner table. Mom had cooked us a vegetarian meal, which me and Gerard love, and she laid all the plates of food out on the table and we all sat down to eat. "Where are Jakob and Joey?" I asked dad. He swallowed his food and spoke, "They're out with a few friends, they're having a gaming night or something." I nodded at his words and continued eating. Gerard and my sneaked our hands towards each others' and interlocked our fingers. He smirked at me and I smirked back. Luckily, nor dad or mom noticed, thank the heavens. "So how has school been?" mom asked. "Eh, the usual, boring as all damn fu- I mean hell." I said, almost swearing, making dad laugh. Dad doesn't mind me swearing at all because he knows it's going to be inevitable that I'm going to anyway. Mom however, will only let me say things like 'bitch', 'bastard' and 'ass'. I swear like a demon when mom is out.

Dad almost dropped his fork and screamed like a girl, making me almost fall off my chair in laughter. Gerard was trying to hold back his laughter and so was mom. The dog had even came in the room to see what happened. Dad looked at the dog and said, "I'm fine." and laughed after he'd said it. "So have kids at school gave you any trouble?" dad asked. I moved my hand in an 'eh' motion. "Just stuff like 'emo' that's about it." I stated. Dad nodded. He doesn't like the fact that I get harassed at school. One time I got beat up by this popular girl and dad was so worried about me when I came home. That evening was a night of crying. "Next to that, weird dudes have been asking me out, mainly as a joke though." I added. Dad nodded at that too. He's heard about that all before. He kind of expects it as I'm a girl and girls commonly get it just as much as guys. He has seen the kids at my school too, the guys are asses and always eyeing every single girl. And the girls are just fake and eyeing every single guy, including Gerard which makes Gerard annoyed because he would never date any of them. I looked at Gerard and mouthed, "Should I?" Gerard thought for a moment and nodded. I'm guessing that we're on the topic of people randomly asking me out this might be a suitable time. "Next to that, and this topic of people asking me out. I wanna say that I actually.." I cut off my sentence in a little bit of fear and Gerard rubbed my hand. My dad was looking at me confused with a mouthful of mash potato and mom was still eating, but I knew she was listening.

"I have a boyfriend." I said, getting it out before I backed off. Dad coughed, his mouth still full of mash potato and mom looked at me. Dad put his head down, swallowing his food and looked at again. He looked at mom and she looked back. Oh god, I hope this isn't bad. I squeezed Gerard's hand and he squeezed back. "Just know I don't mind at all, boyfriends will have become a part of your life eventually. I assist you be careful as well. Can I ask, who is it?" dad said. I bit my lip and said, "Gerard." Dad looked surprised, he could have never seen me and Gerard as a couple. He smiled and said to Gerard, "Keep her happy." Gerard nodded and said he will. I kissed Gerard's cheek and he kissed mine. "Okay, by the way, this is gonna take some getting used to, you two kissing and all. But I'll tolerate it." I smiled and so did Gerard. "I'm happy for you two!" mom said. "Thank you." me and Gerard said together. We squeezed each others' hands, both of us being happy that my dad was okay with it.

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