Imagine 6 - Unintentional [GerardXTeen]

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You're P.O.V:

Me and my brother Joey were playing in the living room with his toy cars. I don't really like toys but he's only five so I'll play with him. He was flying his blue car around the room and when it accidentally flew out of his hand and right into the center of the TV. Oh no. "Joey!" I said, trying not to sound mad. "Oh no..." Joey said as he looked at the TV. "Daddy is gonna be mad!" he said. "How much was it?" he asked, getting upset. I sighed and said, "A thousand five hundred.." He started to cry as he knew that was a lot so I hugged him as to keep him calm and that I'll tell dad it was an accident. He wiped his eyes and lightened up so he wouldn't cry again later when dad got back. I cleaned up the glass and put it all in the bin and got a sheet to cover the TV's giant smash up. He's not gonna be happy. Especially with the amount of money he paid for the TV, which is now smashed to practically smithereens. Joey put his toys away so he wouldn't break anything else. Meanwhile I made us lunch and we ate it really quickly as we were both quite hungry.

We sat down in the living room, me on my phone and Joey on his Nintendo DS and we heard the front door open and Joey managed to not get scared at what dad might say when he sees the TV. Dad came in the room and greeted us both, and we greeted him back. He went to make his coffee and he downed it instantly. That's where I get it from. He placed it on the table and asked us why we weren't watching TV instead. We stuttered on our words, absolutely terrified. He removed the sheet I put over it and realized why and looked at the TV in shock. "I'm not mad, but who did it?" he asked, a little bit of annoyance in his voice but he was trying his best to keep calm. "Uh.." I began but got cut of by Joey. "It was her! She did it! I was playing with my toys in my room and she screamed at something and punched the TV!" I looked at Joey like, 'Fucking seriously?' and dad looked at me in disbelief. Joey ran away and I never felt so betrayed. I put my head in my hands and slowly walked to my room. I got cut off by dad grabbing my arm. "Was it actually you? If it was, why would you pull such a worthless, bitchy ass move like that?" he said, getting more angry. My eyes began to tear up, I don't like getting yelled at. He was really mad and I didn't like it, he never gets this mad. His hands moved around the way they usually do when he speaks and his hand caught my arm and I flinched. He'd realized what he'd done and I just ran to my room. "Sweetheart- I didn't... God..." he said as I ran into my room and shut the door. He stopped walking after me and waited outside of the door apologizing and I just decided to open the window and crawl out onto the tree branch. I climbed down the tree and when my feet hit the ground I ran all the way round the corner and to Frank's house. He's closest. When I reached his house I rapped on the door and he opened it for me and I instantly hugged him. "Hey shortie, what's up?" he asked, returning the hug. "Dad... Joey smashed the TV and blamed it on me and dad got mad and hit my arm.." I said, tears welling up. "I'm sure he didn't mean it. Come on in. shortie." he said to me and guided me inside. He let me sit down and we sat there for merely an hour just watching TV together. When the hour went by he got a text on his phone and so did I. It was dad, worried about me. Frank got his phone out and texted dad.

Gerard's P.O.V:

Why did I do that? Why did I do that? God, I feel so bad. I continued apologizing through the door but noticed that she wasn't even in there. I opened the door slowly and the window was wide open. Oh god. She could have only gone to Frank's. I whipped out my phone and texted him.

G - Hey

F - Hey. She's here don't worry.

G - Thank god! Tell her I'm really sorry and it was unintentional.

F - Okay

G - I'm gonna come get her, yeah?

F - Yeah. See you in a few

G - See you in a few.

I put my phone away and told Joey I'd be back soon. "Daddy! Before you go, I wanted to tell you it was me. My toy car accidentally flew into it. I blamed it on her because I didn't want to get in trouble.." Joey called after me. I sighed and told him, "Thank you for being honest. I'm not mad, I just want you to stay in your room for the rest of the night, yeah? I'll bring your dinner in for you." He understood, he usually goes to his room on his own when he's done something bad anyways. Joey went to his room as I walked out of the front door and walked to Frank's house.

I knocked on his door and he let me in, leading me to the front room. "Hey sweetheart. I'm sorry I didn't mean to I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking.." I said as soon as I saw her. She ran to me and hugged me, telling me she forgives me. I hugged her tight and Frank admired how close of bond we have. He loves how much of a dad I am. He says he wants to be as good a dad as me when he becomes a father. I thanked Frank for keeping an eye on her and he said anytime. We said goodnight and left the house. "See ya, shortie!" Frank called. "See ya!" she said back. We arrived home and had dinner. I'm glad she's forgiven me.

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