Imagine 5 - Best Friend = Vampire (Part Two)

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Requested by: caitlinPhoran

Gerard's P.O.V:

I feel bad for only loving her for wanting to feed off her. I mean, I do love her, but if she's going to trust me with feeding off her I'm gonna have to keep it bottled up.

We both woke up at the same time weirdly. We got up and she went to get changed in the bathroom whilst I got changed in my room. Once I was decent I told her she could come in.

"You know how I'm a vampire?" I said to her. She nodded. "Well, we might have to move out of state. Don't worry I have loads of money ready.." She looked surprised but then nodded. Oh thank god. "We have to go today, somebody has found out about me and I need out of here quick but I can't leave without you.." I said. She looked stunned but agreed again anyway. "As long as it keeps you safe.." she said and kissed me cheek and I kissed hers in return. "Wanna go now. Run away?" she said. My face lit up and nodded. She smiled and helped me pack. "What about your things from your place?" I asked. "Oh.. Could we share your things?" she asked and I nodded. We carried on packing clothes for us and we got them all in about three suitcases and brought them down to the car, me having to wear a blanket because... yeah. We hopped in the car and we pulled all the window blockers to so I wouldn't burn. We drove to this abandoned hotel that literally nobody enters or lives in. We thought it was perfect because that way we wouldn't have to pay rent. Luckily the place still looked nice and intact so we weren't living in a unstable dump. We pulled out Infront of it and entered the abandoned structure. Why is this abandoned? It's beautiful. A giant chandelier, soft ass couches and sleek, white, snow-like walls. We looked around with our luggage in hand and went to find a double bedded room to sleep in. Luckily we found one with and En Suite bathroom so we didn't have to walk a million miles just to use the toilet or shower. We set out stuff down and put all the clothes in the drawers. "This place is nice, I wonder why it's abandoned.." I said. "Yeah.." We carried on unpacking, with a little bit of casual kissing and messing about. We decided to get some food and stuff from the downstairs kitchen for lunch. Once we got there we were greeted with the sight of a beautiful, pristine kitchen. Why is this place abandoned? We got the food, the fridge was stacked, and we ate away. We both finished very quickly as we were both quite hungry. I was hungry for more though. "Hey, uh.. you don't mind letting me feed if you a but do you?" I asked, nervous. She nodded and revealed her neck and let me bite into it. I sucked on the delicious red substance as she groaned a little at the pain. She seems to be used to it now. Thank god, that way I won't have to see her suffer. I let go after a while and held her up and licked the wound clean. "You okay?" I asked her, concerned. She nodded and told me she was fine. I helped her sit and told her she'd get used to the dizziness after some time. One more feeding should get her used to it.

We checked the time and we noticed it was seven o'clock. This day went fast. We decided to get a very early night so we could get up early in the morning and have a longer day. We crawled into the bed and I held her close and tight, as to keep her warm. We both fell asleep in no time at all.


Gerard's P.O.V:

I woke up, hungry. Full of blood-craze. This isn't good. I can't go ten minutes into this without losing most of my mind. "Hey.. I need something.." I whispered, shaking her peaceful sleeping body. I felt bad for asking her but I needed this. "What is it?" she said. "I need blood, a lot. I've got a blood-craze and it's difficult to deal with.." She looked at me concerned and showed me her neck again. "This might kill you, of turn you, depends if you pass out.." I said. She said she'll try and stay stable me so I just got it over with and drank from her neck. I noticed how much she had gotten used to this. Wow. Most take a while. Once I got refilled I removed my teeth and let her breathe, wiping the blood from my lips. "Are you using me for food?" she asked. I looked down and decided to tell the truth. "Basically, yeah. It's not that I don't love you, because I do love you. And I need to be close to you to have you as food. I've technically kidnapped you bringing you here and I feel bad but I need you most of all to be food for me. Nobody else would trust me. They're all scared of me.. but you aren't.. and that's why I went for you.. I'm sorry. Just know I do this because I love you.." I said to her. "I understand Gerard. You can have me as food, if it keeps you happy.. Because I love you too." she said, which relieved me. Thank god for that. "If the feeding become too much then.. I'll try and cut down but other than that I'm not sure.." I trailed off. She said that was fine and we decided to go back to sleep again.

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