Imagine 7 - Best Friend = Vampire (Part Three)

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Gerard's P.O.V:

We've been staying in this place for over a week now and I'm so grateful that she lets me feed off her. When I finished feeding off her a few minutes ago I felt different, I don't know why. More evil I guess. I don't know. I looked over at her and she was really dizzy. I think I've drank from her too much. But she seems pale. Too pale. I haven't turned her have I? I hope not. I laid her down on the bed and helped her out with the funny feeling she had. She fell asleep and I stayed by her side as to make sure she was okay. I noticed the mark on her neck and got hungry again. What is up with me? I licked some of the blood off her neck and I needed more. God, I needed more. I tried to hold back on feeding on her, especially in her sleep, but it was too hard. Maybe if I try her arm? I latched my lips around her forearm and sunk my teeth in. I sucked out the delicious red liquid from her arm and oh my god it tasted amazing. I couldn't stop. I noticed how much I was getting and instantly stopped and cleaned her arm and wiped my mouth. Luckily I didn't wake her up. I made sure the bite marks weren't visible too.

I stayed by her side for another two hours and she finally woke up. "Hey sleepyhead.." I said smiling, making her smile. She sat up and snuggled into me. "Still tired?" I asked and she nodded. I kissed her head and got that feeling again. That thirst. Oh god...

I held her close and tight for a little while longer and then she perked her head up and told me she was hungry. We both went down to the kitchen to get her some food and she wolfed it down fast. Woah. She must be hungry. Same with me... My fingers couldn't stop twitching it was driving me insane. Why is being a vampire so hard? I tried to stop my finger from twitching but it was so hard. Almost impossible. She slumped in her chair, extremely tired. Poor girl. I walked up to her and lifted her up and took her to the hotel's sitting room and laid her on the couch and covered her in blankets and gave her a pillow. "Wanna see if the TV works?" I asked and she nodded. Surprisingly, the TV did work. I sat behind her and cuddled her. I could smell her blood from here and had that thirsty feeling again. Why am I getting this so much? I focused my attention to the TV. The show we were watching was The Brady Bunch I think. I don't know, I never really watched that show. My thoughts were thinking of feeding but I managed to ignore them and focus on the TV. I noticed the body I was cuddling had fallen asleep again... She really is tired. This is unusual. I nudged her as to wake her up. To be honest, I didn't even know I was doing. She woke up and looked at me. "Did I fall asleep again?" she asked and I nodded. She sighed and apologized, though she really didn't need to, it wasn't her fault. I felt my thirst get bigger by the minute. I can't go another hour with this. I've already had at least one hour of it. Oh my... I kept glancing at her neck every now and then. I couldn't help it. Knowing all that blood is in there makes my stomach feel like it could either explode or just rumble at any moment. "Sweetheart, I'm thirsty. I know you're feeling tired right now but..." I said to her. "It's okay... You can have some." she said, to my relief. I sighed and attached my thirsty lips to her neck and inserted my blood-desiring teeth. I sucked on her blood and couldn't stop at all. She noticed how long I was going for and tried to get me to stop, but I couldn't. "Gerard, you're drinking to much. Gerard..." she spoke, worried. I held her down, luckily as a vampire it makes me strong so she couldn't wriggle. I sucked out so much blood. I couldn't stop. This might turn her. The more I get the more likely she will. She whimpered at the fact she couldn't move and at the fact that I was gaining more blood from her in one go than before. I sensed her leg twitching. She's turning. I can't stop it. I took out my teeth, a feeling so evil inside of me. Blood around my lips, which I soon licked off. I looked at her and said, "I do this because I love you, you know?" Her body twitched and her skin went deathly pale. Her eyes shut and a second later they reopened and her whole body became tenser. She had turned. I lifted her up and she said, "What was that?"

"You turned. I drank too much. Sorry if this makes you suffer..." I said. "No it's fine. I'll never felt so good." she said. Thank god. "What are we gonna do about food though?" she asked. I'm surprised she's adapted this quickly. "Um... on the next cloudy day we can buy some blood bags from the butcher. Surprisingly they sell it." I said. She nodded and said, "I'll get it tomorrow, might be cloudy then. Fall is here." I nodded and kissed her. This kiss made me feel so good. Knowing she's like me now, another vampire...

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