Imagine 8 - Kitties (Neko!Gee x Pregnant!Reader)

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Requested by: Aurora_Way

Your P.O.V:

"Morning Gee!" I said to Gerard as he came in the white kitchen, his long, black tail wagging behind him. "God your tail is cute!" I said after he returned a good morning to me, and he blushed. I gave him a glass of fresh milk and some cereal and he ate it really fast, like every other Neko. I held my stomach, I was pregnant and hadn't told him yet. I got pregnant a couple of weeks ago after a really romantic night with him. I sat with him and ate my cereal too and petted his black, gray and white fuzzy kitty ears whilst he smiled and blushed a deep red, and looked at me and admired me. I smiled at him and kissed his cute, adorable little nose. I don't know why people discriminate Nekos, they're nice and cute. Some Nekos get spat on by Anti-Nekos in the street so Gerard has been trying to cover his ears and try to cover his tail, which is hard, especially the tail. He rubbed my hand gently and suggested to invite the guys round. I nodded and he texted Mikey, Ray and Frank and told me they'd arrive soon. Mikey is a Neko too, because he's related to Gerard. His tails and ears are a mousy brown with black streaks and white tuffs of fur coming out of his ears. Frank and Ray aren't Nekos, well, Frank is half Neko, he just has ears. His ears are black with brown on the inside.

They all arrived within the hour and we greeted them in and hugged them. We all went into the living room with some snacks and set ourselves down on the soft black couches, Gerard snuggling into me and Mikey sitting like an actual cat on the other couch. Frank asked what we should all watch and Ray immediately said Tokyo Ghoul. We put it on and Gerard held met hand through it because he likes to hold my hand and half way through his head was in my lap. Every so often I rubbed my stomach and Frank said, "You hungry? We have snacks." I nodded and ate some Flamin' Hot Cheetos. God these are amazing. Fuck! My eyes rolled to the back of my head as I ate a Cheeto and Frank laughed. "Cheeto orgy!" He said making me laugh. "And it's Flamin' Hot!" he added making me laugh even harder. Everyone else laughed and Mikey snorted making me laugh harder. We all manages to calm down and we were all occasionally giggling every so often. Tokyo Ghoul continued playing and we eventually finished season one and decided to carry on with season two another day. Meanwhile we just a sat there and talked and and rubbed my stomach and Frank noticed again and this time knew I was hungry. "Why... Do you keep rubbing your stomach?" Frank said, making me look at him. There was no point in hiding it now. "Okay, I have some news..." I started and everyone looked at me, including Gee, who moved his head from my lap to my shoulder.

"I'm pregnant, and it's Gerard's."

Everyone looked at me with happy expressions. Mikey was the first to speak. "I'm gonna be an uncle! Hella yes!" Gerard and me giggled and Mikey came over and hugged us. "Yes!"

"Oh my god I'm gonna be a dad.." Gerard said. "Thank you." he added. "You're welcome!" I said and we kissed and be held me. "How long have you been with?" Ray asked. I told him two weeks and he awed, aware of how a small Neko/Human it already was. "So it's Neko/Human?" Frank asked and he awed. We all began to decide on names. We were going to give it a unisex name so we didn't have to choose between one for a boy and one for a girl. We were going for nice words in Japanese because they sounded unique. We went from Ai, which means love, and Roiyaru, which means loyal. We struggled with which one and we went with Roiyaru because it sounded way better and loyal is one of mine and Gerard's favorite words. Gerard rubbed my stomach and cheesily put his face near it and said, "Hey. I'm your dad. I can't wait to see you in nine months!" He smiled at my stomach and up and me and I giggled and he blushed and kissed me and told me, "I love you." "I love you too." I replied and cuddled into him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2018 ⏰

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