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Sanae's POV

Im sitting in a bench, alone.

"D-did Gm just ditch me?!"

My phone ringed.

Gm: Sanae? Im sorry if i left you, my friend is here, can you wait for me on that bench ? I'll come get you on 5pm.

"5pm..?" I looked at my watch, "IT'S STILL 3!" I stood up.

The people in the park all looked at me, i quickly sat back, "what am i supposed to do for 2 hours?"

I saw a guy with blue t-shirt and a hat, he was with a girl with curly brown hair who was wearing a black skirt and long sleeves.

"Why is she wearing long sleeves in the middle of summer?" I thought.

The both of them got icecream and sat on the bench near a tree.

I sighed,  "Im so jealous of them."

Looking at them closely, they looked like a couple.

Aren't they in the first place?

Well, they look famillar.

I almost cried when i realized, but i held back my tears. It was Tatsuo and Mio.

"Gosh dammit, you're both middle schoolers why are you dating?" I thought, trying to make myself laugh.

It was my fault in the first place.
Because i didn't open that door.


"Should i or should i not?" I thought.

The knob was just centimeters away from my hand, just a few moments and i can finally feel the cold knob against the palm of my hand.

The perfect time of the day to confess, when the sun is starting to fade. When the light shines just right. When the school was almost empty, when the students' laughter seemed to have faded to background.

When he's in the other side of the door and i only need to go next to him.

I was trembling when i held the door knob.

I need to do this.

Before he leaves.



Just when i was just about to cry, I felt a hand cover my eyes.

The tear fell down my cheek.

"Can you teleport or somehting? You always cover my eyes when i cry, it's getting kinda creepy now." I said, trying to make myself laugh.

"I don't. You just cry quite a lot." He says, still having his hand covering my eyes.

"Let's go somewhere else." He says, i nodded.


We ended up going to a cafe.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"Rude. After i acted like a gentleman back there."

"Im not sorry."

He takes a sip of his mango milkshake.

"You could've said 'thank you' instead."

"People like you aren't the kind of people i should thank."

He sighs, "It's so hard to talk to you"

"Of course it is, go home and watch hentai or something."

"You shouldn't say that out loud!"

"You shouldn't be watching that either."

"Says the pervert."

"Girl perverts are rare, guy perverts are disgusting."

"Except for me."

"You wish."

We got out of the cafe, we went back to the park.

"You should really move on thuough."

"I wont take an advice from a person like you."

He stops walking, "Im serious."

I countinued walking, "you're never serious."

He stays silent and walks, we sat on the bench that i was on last hour. There was a silence. He's never silent. I never cared.

But i guess it is my fault.

"Are you mad?" I asked.


"Yea, you are."

"I'm not."

"Am too."

"I'm not."

"Am too."

"I'm not." He looks at me angrily.

"Am too."

I looked at him smirking, i raised my eyebrow.

"Ok, ok. I was angry now I'm not." He says, smilling, i laughed.

"Tch. Tch. Tch. You were supposed to make me feel better. And ypu got angry, this is why you're trash." I said

"I know how to make you feel better." He says smirking, pointing at a certain building. 

"Gosh, dammit you perverted trash."

"If you knew what i was thingking about then you are too, but you aren't trash."

"What am i then? Actually no, don't answer that."

"Too bad, Imma say it."

"You just lost the chance to."

"Heh? But what if i tell you that you're a dog?"

"Out of all things why a dog?" I paused, and realized, "Gosh dammit you perverted trash!"

"The fact that you also realized is a proof that you're are a perverted dog!"

We countinued arguing when we saw Gm, we all went to the house,

I really did feel better.

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