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It was a cold summer night, i was alone in my room since Aru already moved. I stared blankly at the ceiling. Counting sheeps couldn't exactly make me sleep either. I thought about something though.

It's her first time meeting someone that watches anime..

"No wonder she was so enthusiastic back then." I said quietly, remembering the time when i first saw her watching anime. It made me so shocked when she suddenly jumped in front of me, i mean, it's not like everyday you get a girl just centimeters away from you.

Not being able to sleep, i stood and went downstairs, maybe I'll eat my energy away. Hopefully seeing Aruka downstairs too.

I saw Aruka, yes, but she was talking with Aru about diamond diaries or whatever that was. I smiled at myself, it was a good thing i invited Aru.

After a few seconds Aru left and went upstairs when he saw me, i only told him that i went to the bathroom which he believed after a few questions. I went downstairs when he was out of sight.

"Yo." I said, gaining Aruka's attention she bowed her head slightly, "hello." She said.

"What are you doing this late at night?" I asked her, she looked at the hot milk on her hand, "Do you want some, before that?"


We sat outside of the house, it was nice sitting in the floor on a cold night with something warm on your hand-- which was in this case a cup of hot milk.

"I couldn't sleep, that's why." She says, with full honesty looking at the moon as if it were her lover or something.

"Same here." I said.

She looks at me, "You never told me that the guy who watches anime is blonde."

"Are looks that important?" I raised an eyebrow.

She slightly chuckles, "It's always important."

Why are her actions always "slightly"?

I laughed, "Are blonde guys your thing?"

"More or less." She says. He feet was slightly shaking, shivering from the cold wind.

"That's nice."

A comfortable silence filled the air, making it a bit warmer, or was it just me? Maybe it was because of the milk on my hand. Who knows?

She scoots a bit closer to me, "Thanks." She smiles.

Up until now i still don't know why she thanked me. Because i let her meet Aru? Could be, but i wasn't too sure.

I hugged my pillow, remembering her words.

"Gosh she's so cute."


We just ate lunch, Came out this morning, but she didn't eat with us.  As usual, Sanae gave her her food. Right now, I played some multiplayer games with Aru. It was a tough battle actually, it's a one-one.

My phone rang, i stopped playing.

Aru looked over to my phone, "accept the call you idiot."

"Oh yeah." I said, i held the phone against my ear.


On the other side of the phone was the sound of soft rain and waves, along with the voice of a woman, "Riku? I'm glad you answered, Sanae ignored my call!"

I sighed, "she's probably just sleeping mom." I told her, a faint voice said "i told you so." On the other side of the phone, my mom chuckled, "I didn't think about that."

"Anyways, that's not what i called you both for."

I raised an eyebrow, "What is it then?"

"Are you both sleeping properly?"

I started to wake up earlier than usual because of a certain person. "We are, mom."

"Are you both eating properly?"

"We're not kids mom."

"You can't blame me!"

I sighed, "we are."

I saw Aruka's door open slightly, she looked at Aru, i smiled. I gave her a signal waving my hands she somehow understood it and waited outside of her doorstep, Aru being too merged into his game to realize.

I could tell that she felt relieved, "Is that everything?" I asked my mom.

"-honey, you fogot to tell them somthing- -oh yeah-" a pause. " Riku, we're going home earlier than planned ok? I just wanted to tell you in advance." She says, my dad takes the phone away from her, "Maybe a few days from now."

"Ok, i get. We'll get ready."

My mom snatches the phone again,"bye riku!"

"Bye mom."

The call ended, i looked at Aruka. I smiled at her, telling her to come out now.

In my surprise, she looked ticked off, she goes inside her room and closes the door violently.

"What's wrong with her?" I asked myself, Aru shrugged.

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