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"Summer festival, summer festival, summer festivaaaaaaaaaaal!~" Aru shouts repeatedly for the last 20 minutes, Sanae completely gave up on making him shut up.

"You sure you won't come with us Gm?" Sanae asked Gm for the hundredth time. She again says the same words.

"You can all enjoy the festival, someone needs to watch over the house and Im too old to walk around anyways."

Gm looks at me, "Aren't you forgetting someone, Riku?"

I checked my pockets, i have my wallet, check. I have some bubblegum, check. I have my phone, check.

I felt Sanae's hand at my back, "You forgot some protection my dear brother." She whispers.

I quickly moved away from her, "Aru, what have you done to my sister?" I said, trying to sound dramatic.

Aru places his hand on Sanae's shoulder,"It wasn't me, but Im proud."

"Get your hand away from me you pervert." Sanae says pushing his hand away.

So in the end Aru's still the pervert, huh?

"Oh yeah, what was i forgetting, i have what i need here.." i said, checking my pocket once again.


Wait, someone?

"Ah! Aruka!" I said a bit too loudly. Gm smiled, "Don't forget to bring her, ok?"

"What are we waiting for? Lets go get her and leave this place!"

"You're making it sound like you don't like it here."

"Can't we just go?"


"No." Aruka says behind her door, showing only her cold eyes.

"C'mon Aruka! Festival! Games! FOOD!" The only one who wasnt scared of her was Aru, who was doing his best to get Aruka to come out.


"I'll give you my dessert for every meal!"


"I'll cosplay as Ario!"


"I didnt want to say this but... I'll give you 50% of my wallet money!"

"Do i think like Im someone to be swayed by money?"


"You're wrong, because i am." She says and goes out of the door, "give me a few minutes to get ready though." She grabs Sanae and takes her inside, and like that, she's gone again.

Aru stood there in shock trying to process what just happened. It didn't took him a while before he started banging on her door though.

"Aruka, i take it back! Arukaaaaa!!"

"Too late, Aru. Haven't you heard of the term, "think before you speak"?"

Aru looks at me blankly, "I thought it was the other way around.."

I raised an eyebrow, "you idiot."


The festival was quite packed, full of vendors, lights and of course people of all ages.

"Takoyakiiii!!" Aru shouts like a kid, "Are you a kid or something?" Sanae says with her hand-on-hip-disapproving-girl pose, Aru looks at her and smirks, "Apple candy too."

And with that, both of them are gone.

I mentally sighed at both of them, seriously, am i the only one sane here?

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