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"Aren't you going downstairs Aru?" I asked Aru, who was brushing his teeth.

"Of course i am, you can go without me." He says, facing the mirror.

I thought something was wrong, he has his hands on his pockets while brushing his teeth.

"What's wrong?" He asked.
"Nothing." I said, leaving the room. I closed the door gently.




"What'cha up to?!" I said, quickly opening the door leaving Aru in surprise, he has a phone in his hand, from it's position it looked like he was typing something. He also has that huge smile on his face, well, had that huge smile on his face, atleast before i entered. He quickly hid his phone to his back.

"H-hey! Did you forgot something here?" He asked, laughing awkwardly.

"You're just the same as Sanae aren't you? I keep saying this, i saw that, you can't just hide it from me." I thought.

I went near him, "Ohoho? Who are you texting?" I teased trying to get his phone.

He quickly dodges my hands, it's like we we're on a fierce battle of basketball, his phone being the ball, "Someone just texted me by mistake that's all." He says, trying to sound normal.

"You just had a smile on your face, y'know"

"The person was whining about something and then i told him it was me, it was funny, that's why i Smiled." He looks away.

"Aru, you just had the same smile as when you got your pet dog."


I looked at him, "C'mon tell me! Is it your girlfriend?"

He looked at me smilling, "Soon to be" he says.

I pat his back, "Lol, Tell me who she is sometime!"

"Ouch! Stop oatting my back, you're strong y'know that?"

"Oh yeah." I stopped patting his back, i was on the martial arts club. "Well, Imma go downstairs to help Gm in cleaning." I said, i then went downstairs.

"Don't comeback after 4 seconds, ok?" He shouts

"That was 3!"



We breakfast in silence, probably because Gm was there. If she wasn't there,then there would've been food flying.

"Aru-kun, was it?" Gm says, looking at Aru, "I finished cleaning the room you would stay in, you can put your things there." She smiles.

"Thank you very much" Aru says, smiling a smile that would make any girl fall head over heels for him. Aru would be perfect, i mean look at his profile: tall, Half-american, handsome, basketball player and that fricking smile.

But me and Sanae both knew he was trash.

Not that I'm saying people who watch anime are trash.

Aru is just special, He's trash pretending to be gold.

"I'll take Aruka's food to her room, I just finished eating." Sanae said, standing up and taking and going to the sink.

After some time me, Aru and Gm also finished eating. Gm left and went outside, "Im going to my friend's house, don't burn the house, ok?" She says sarcastically, with a smile that i saw on one of those creepy movies.

Does being scary runs in their family?

"Don't worry about it Ma'am." Aru says. He smiles and goes with Gm, opening the door for her, like a real gentleman

The moment that he closes the door, the gentleman dies.

"FREEEEEEEEEEEDOM!!!" Aru shouts, raising his hands up in the air, like he doesn't  care about the world.

"We're still here y'know." Sanae says taking Aruka's food tray.

"You're ruining the vibe!~ we should celebrate, that's what most people do when their parents are out of the house."

"First of all, Gm is not our parent, neither are we related." I said with the 'as-a-matter-of-fact' tone.

"Second, I need to bring this to Aruka." Sanae says.

"That won't be necessary."

We all turned to where the voice was from. It was Aruka she was standing on the stairs looking down at us, like she was a princess making her grand entrance.

"Woah, she actually came out." Sanae said, i nodded, I'm proud of myself.

Aru puts his arm around me, "Is she the girl who likes diamond diaries?" He whispers, i nodded, "sure is."

Sanae puts the tray on the table, Aruka sits on one of it's chairs, we did the same.

She takes a spoonful of pudding,  and puts it on her mouth, we were just there, watching her eat. No one dared to talk, i mean, what if we say something that upsets her? There's that but it could also be because we were too shock to see her eating.

She places her spoon down, "Please stop looking at me, i know you're shock but can you please act natural?" She says bluntly, causing Aru to laugh awkwardly and Sanae to look away.

"I finished eating." She says while taking her food to the sink, Sanae quickly stands up, Graning the tray. "I can do that for you."

"I can do it myself."
"Well, i was assigned to bring this to you in the first place."

"I'm a person, i know how to take my dishes to the sink." Aruka shots back completely taking the tray away from her and walking away.

Sanae stood there, slightly trembling, "S..scary.." she mumbles, i slightly nodded, i know.

Aru just stands there in silence mumbling a few words, "There he goes again, being the weirdo he is." I said, Sanae nods,"Oi, Aru."

"That. Was. Awesome." Aru says looking at Aruka's way, Sanae poked my shoulder, "Did he eat somehting?" "I believe not."

"Hey, hey did you see her? She was like-- ms. Call, calm and collected."

"You mean 'cool' calm and collected."

"Yea, whatever. She like entered The room looking down at us like 'lick my foot you peasants.' "

"Ew, no."

"I know! This is going to be.." Aru pauses and places his hand on his chin,"..one hell of a summer."

"Are you trying to look handsome?" I asked
"You might see handsome but all i see is trash." Sanae said.

"Was that a black butler reference or something?" We all turned to the side and saw Aruka.

Did you teleport or something?

Aru ran up to her and held up her hands, "A beautiful girl that watches anime, oh my gosh."

"Are you kidding me? You have blonde hair, BLONDE hair, And you watch anime." Aruka says back.

"It's my first time meeting a girl that watches anime!"

"It's my first time meeting a person that watches anime."

They laughed.

"It's nice to meet you"

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