Sonikku Heaven

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You opened your eyes and saw everything blue and green. You looked in front of you and saw three doors. The one on the left was light blue, the middle one was neon blue, and the door on the right was navy blue. You looked up above the doors, and saw the words, Sonikku Heaven. Just then, a dialogue box appeared. You looked down at it and it said:

Welcome to Sonikku Heaven. A place to where all your fanfictions of Sonic come true~.

You blushed at the squiggly line at the end, as if the sentence was actually speaking to you in a seductive tone. Out of all the boys, including the hedgehogs, besides Shadow and Scourge and the other hot hedgies, Sonic was the grandfather. He was the one that started it all. He was at least the cutest hedgehog out of the rest. All the boys at least. You then looked back at the doors. You first went to the neon blue door in the middle, but it was locked. You went to the navy blue one on the right, but it was locked too. Finally, you went to the light blue door on the left, and it opened. You went in, and everything around you was light blue like the sky. The walls were like tiles like Green Hill Zone. You walked in, and saw three more doors. They had words on the doors. The one on the left said Classic. The middle one said Underground. And the right one said Dreamcast. Just then, another text box showed up on the box. You looked down as it said:

Welcome to level Classic. This is a great start when meeting the blue blurs~.

You went to the door on the left, and just like the last one, it opened. You opened it, assuming that Classic meant that it was the beginner level. And went you walked in, you showed up in what actually looked like...Green Hill Zone. When you went in, another text box showed up and it said:

Level One. Stage One. Classic.

Description: Small, short, and fun~.

Now you know what it meant by Classic. Welcome to Sonikku Heaven.

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