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You walked around Green Hill Zone. It looked almost like you were playing the Sonic games with this world. Suddenly, as you took your first step, a blue blur went passed you, almost hitting you! And then a small breeze blew against you. When you took another step, you almost got hit again by the blue blur. You then decided to stay still again. And then you saw the blue blur again, and realized that it was circling around you. After a few seconds, the blur stopped, and you saw light blue spikes. You looked down and the figure turned around to reveal a cute, small, and adorable Classic Sonic. Classic Sonic looked up at you in wonder. You almost wanted to squeal and pick him up and hug him, but you didn't want anything to jump at you. You just looked down at him, and smiled. He smiled back, and he lifted his arms up, jumping up and down. Even though he wasn't speaking, you understood what he wanted you to do. You put your hands on his sides, and you picked him up. Classic Sonic wasn't too heavy. It was like carrying a baby. You picked him up, and he made a happy face. He then wrapped his arms around your neck, and you hugged him back like a teddy bear. "You're so cute," you said, nuzzling him. Just then, you felt something warm against your cheek. You looked at him, and saw him growing a blush. He blushed and closed his eyes tightly and looked away shyly. You then kissed him on the cheek, and he opened his eyes widely. He blushed so much that his muzzle glowed red, and so did his ears. You then looked behind him and found his tail wagging fast. You smirked and you blew against his ear, and his ear twitched. He then got so flattered he squirmed around. As much as you wanted to keep playing with him, you decided to let him go, and he ran into one of the spinning sunflowers, hiding his face. You smiled and said, "Awwwww." A minute later, he slowly walked out with his muzzle back in its usual color. He smiled as he put his hand behind him, and pulled out a yellow chaos emerald. "For me?" You asked. He smiled and nodded, and he handed you the emerald. "Th-Thank you so much," you said, smiling. You then heard a noise, and you saw the door glowing. You then assumed that you beat the level, and so, you waved goodbye to him and walked off. But before you left, it was either you, or you thought Classic Sonic was...smirking.

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