The Creator

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You finally opened your eyes and took off the helmet. You stretched and felt your head. It felt a bit good that you got out of there. Suddenly, you heard something. "...Hello my dear...," it called. You slowly sat up and saw a black figure in the distance. "Who are you? Show yourself," you said. The figure then walked into the light, and there, you saw a lab coat and gloves, and a vr helmet. "Who...who are you...?" You asked slowly. "It is I," he said as he slowly removed the helmet. "...the creator~," he said. You gasped as you saw it was a hedgehog. A black and blue hedgehog! "Ja...JACOB?!" You panicked. He then placed his finger on your lips. "Shhhhh...," he said slowly with a smirk. "That's Professor Jacob to you~," he said. "You...You're the creator...!" You said, your eyes widening in surprise. "Yes I am~," he smirks while putting his fingers together in an almost evil way. "How...How did you do this...? All of this?" You asked. "Well, it's a long story. So you may need to lay back." You understood him, and you slowly laid back in your chair.

"Many years ago...I have seen and read many fanfictions online. And then, I stumbled into something so...unusual. They were called...X Readers. I have mostly seen the ones that said Shadow on them. It may be because girls, and some boys, like you, find him you" You blushed as he said that last word. "Anyway, so then, I decided to give it a try~. I wrote my first X Reader, and as short as it was, it turned out to be a success. And so then, I started to write more. I write more for those fangirls who are so desperate for their lovers~. And became a career. People requested me to make X Readers for them. For female and male readers~. I became popular from them...but I wanted more. Much more~. And so...I decided to make their dreams come true with the power of virtual reality!" Your eyes widened at how amazed he sounded as he raised his hand into a fist. "Allow me to let out some light on the subject~," he said as he went to a light switch and turned it on. Your eyes widened and you looked around the lab. Everything was white, and it was full of capsules, vr helmets, blueprints, and inappropriate mature pictures of Sonic boys! You then focused your eyes on the professor as he walked around. "Love what you see?~" He asked. "Cause I do~." He walked to the blueprints of what seemed to be a vr helmet. "You see...I have spent months creating the perfect virtual reality helmet for you to try on. The games were pretty easy. They are just like my stories~. And so, I have made many prototypes of them. Until, I have created the first working vr helmet. Prototype #34~." He picked it up and showed it to you. "This was what you used for Hedgehog Heaven. I'm sure you remember that so very well~." You blushed deeply and nodded slowly. "It was a masterpiece...but I didn't stop there~. I then, for a whole year, created more prototypes. Until then, I get it again. Prototype #69~." He walked to you and put his hands on the helmet. "This was what you used for this game~." You stared at him and his eyes and smirk. "But even though I created those well, I needed to make one final check. I wanted a volunteer to see if these worked so well~. And that's where you came in~." You pointed at yourself. "Me...?" You asked, softly. He placed a hand under your chin and lifted your head up. "Yes my dear. You~," he smirked. "But...why me...?" You asked. "Well you see, in order for it to be a true success, I needed one more thing for it to work. And it was you~." You looked away shyly. "And...was it perfect?~" He asked. You slowly nodded and shut your eyes. "I'm not done yet~. The helmet was connected to the big screen, and so when I saw you, you were feeling like you were actually there...enjoying your special time~." You opened your eyes widely. "The Happy Birthday levels were my favorite~. It was a final touch for you so that you would have a good gentle goodbye~. And by the looks onwhat happened between your legs, it seems your oh so full of pleasure from your little joyride~." You stayed there...trembling and shivering.... He was mad...real mad.... Almost insane.... He then walked to you slowly and shrugged his shoulders a bit innocent like. "I am weird I know. People have been looking at me in a weird way all my life~. But's who I am. Can't stop me for being who I am~. Which by the way, I am not a pervert~. I entertainer~~~." You blushed as red as a strawberry, and you gasped at the professor taking something out. It was a syringe...with a weird glowy substance in it. "And so...when I finally planned to meet you...I have created a serum of paralysis~. It prevents you from moving any part of your body for an hour~. And so...I want to try it on you~." You gasped and almost got up, but your wrists and arms and legs and ankles were cuffed to the chair! "I figured you didn't like needles~. And so you didn't think I was gonna let you run off like that were you?~" "P-P-PLEASE! PLEASE DON'T DO THAT!" You squirmed. "ANYTHING BUT THAT!!! I'LL DO ANYTHING!!!" "That's will~," he said as he injected the serum in your legs! You screamed but then, your legs suddenly felt weak. Suddenly, you couldn't move them! You whimpered and freaked out as he then injected more in your arms! And then, almost your entire body was paralyzed. The cuffs were then off and you tried to say something, but you felt very weak. "Wh-What...are you...doing...?" You asked him slowly. "It is time to begin the final simulation~. Or shall I say...stimulation~~~." You whimpered more as he got the helmet he was wearing, and placed in on your head. "Here we go~~~."

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