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"You have a hangover, don't you?"Amaru walked in their bedroom and handed Damita a cup of coffee.

"No I don't."Damita sipped from the cup and sat it on the dresser. "My head just hurts. What'd I do when I got home?"

"Oh..you don't remember?" Amaru raised an eyebrow.

"Did I throw up?"Damita rubbed her temples and scooted her body up against the headboard.

"No. Not this time, we had sex and went to bed that's all."Amaru fixed pieces of her hair that were flying up. "You woke up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom, fell asleep in there and I had to come get you."

"Well, why does it feel like there's a marching band going on in my head?"Damita's voice was groggy because her body was still waking up. "Where's Dallas?"

"Amari actually came to get him awhile ago. Drink your coffee, baby."Amaru turned on the water to wash his face.

"Damn. How long did I sleep?"Damita rubbed her eyes and picked up her phone to check the time. It was almost 3:00. "I might as well stay in bed, the day is almost over."Damita turned over and laid on her stomach.

"Nah, get up. Let's go cook, I know you hungry."Amaru sat down next to her and rubbed on her butt.

"I don't feel like it, Daddy. I don't want to get up."Damita sighed and pulled her blankets up to her face. "I'm tired"

"You are so lazy."Amaru sucked his teeth and laid down next to her. "So, we're not doing anything tonight?"He laid his head on her shoulder.

"Janet said something about a double date, but I think she wanted to do that tomorrow."Damita rubbed her hand across his head. 

"Where we going?"Amaru asked her.

"Some restaurant she like baby, I'm not sure. I know I'm hungry though."Damita sighed.

"Go cook something. You always wanna spend money."Amaru sucked his teeth. "You wanna smoke?"

"Yeaaah."Damita half smiled. "You roll, I rolled yesterday and I don't feel like moving."

"You so lazy."Amaru stood up and grabbed their box from under the bed. He took out the bag and the grinder. "Get your ass up and make us some food."Amaru stopped and smacked her behind really hard.

Finally, Damita got out of the bed and slid in her house slippers. "I'm not making anything dramatic. I just told your ass I ain't feel like moving."She mumbled the last part as she walked down the stairs. After rolling their blunt, Amaru met her in the kitchen.

"So what we eating?"Amaru flicked his lighter, he then went to turn on the radio. 

"What do you want?"Damita looked through their refrigerator of food not knowing what to put out. "Something quick, because I'm still a little hungover."

"Make spaghetti. It's quick and we'll get full. Besides, you put that meat in the refrigerator yesterday and didn't do anything with it."Amaru put the blunt to his lips.

"You always want that."Damita rolled her eyes and pulled out Ingredients to make what her husband asked her to.

Amaru sat on top of the island so that it would be easier for he and Damita to smoke.

Damita took a big pot out of their cabinet and started to fill it with water.

"Ooh baby, this our song."Amaru smiled as the beat of Boo'd up started to play. Amaru continued to smile as he started to sing to his wife "Feelings, so deep in my feelings no this ain't really like me. Can't control my anxiety."

"Feeling like I'm touching the ceiling, when I'm with you I can't breathe. Boy you do something to me."Damita started to sing back to him and that sung their favorite part together. "Ooh, now I'll never get over you until I find something new. That get me high like you do."

Amaru grabbed her hand and kissed it as he continued singing horribly to her.

"Sing it to me, baby."Amaru smiled at her.

"How many ways can I say that I need you, baby, it's true I think I might die without you , Feeling all over my body,You know how I like it. Ain't gotta tell you what to do, yeah yeah"Damita put her arms around his neck and continued to sing to him. He kissed her on the cheek as she continued to serenade him.

"I love you so much."Amaru grabbed her by thin and kissed her. "I'm blessed."He hopped down and put his arms around her waist.

"I almost forgot about our food messing with you."Damita chuckled and went back to cooking. Amaru stayed close to her and kissed her cheeks.  She loved when he clung to her like that. Although sometimes it made it hard for her to focus she loved to feel his love.

"It's almost done, daddy."Damita turned in his arms and kissed his lips. He took a pull from the blunt and blew smoke in her mouth before attacking her lips.

"Let's go somewhere."Amaru looked into her eyes. "I wanna be alone with you."

"Somewhere like where?"Damita looked up at him and put her hands on his shoulders.

"Anywhere. Pick a place. We'll get on a plane this weekend."Amaru smiled at her.

"I wanna goto Brazil."Damita's eyes lit up with joy.

"Brazil it is, my love. We'll go shopping tomorrow."Amaru kissed her forehead.

"Thank you,Daddy."Damita kissed his lips and went over to make their plates. She the two plates on the table along with two glasses of wine and they ate together.

Damita grabbed his hand and started to rub on it. "You're sexy."She smiled at him.

"Uhuh, don't start that."Amaru chuckled. "Eat your food."

"I'm not starting. I just said you're sexy. That's all."Damita giggled and took a bite of her food.

"I'll give it to you when we finish eating if you want it."Amaru smirked at her.

"You told me don't start."Damita giggled and bit her lip.

"Not while we eating, baby"Amaru chuckled. "Eat your food first."Amaru shook his head at her.

That was still crazy to him, he remembered when she didn't even know how to have sex and now 28 years later It's all she ever wants to do.

"What you laughing at?"Damita asked him.

"You."Amaru continued laughing.

"Why?"Damita furrowed her eyebrows.

"Because you funny."

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