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Ok. I know I said they were going to go to Brazil, but I changed my mind. SOOOOOOO, Jamaica.

"Momma. Ms.Janet is here."Amari yelled up the stairs.

"Oh, honey. Just Janet will do."Janet chuckled. "Amari, right?"

"Yes."Amari smiles at her. "It's nice to finally meet you. Mommy talks about you all the time."

"I'm happy to finally meet you too, I love your son. He is too sweet."Janet smiled brightly. "Where is that momma of yours anyway? We're going to miss our damn flight."

"Upstairs, taking forever. If she keeps it up you and your husband gon go to Jamaica by yourselves."Amari chuckled, shaking her head.

"I'll go up and get her."Janet playfully rolled her eyes. She started to walk up the stairs, unsure of where she was going. Of course, she had been inside of their home before, but never up the stairs.

She followed the sound of Amaru raising his voice. That surprised her, she had never heard them argue.

"Damita."He took a deep breath before continuing his last statement. "Why are you being difficult? You're literally making shit harder than it has to be."

"I'm not."She pouted and crossed her arms in front of her. "I only asked you a question. You're being rude to me."

Amaru face palmed himself trying to calm down before he spoke again. Damita was painfully sensitive sometimes and just the slight raise of his voice would have her crying and giving him the silent treatment.

"Damita....my love."Amaru grabbed her off the bed and into his arms. "All I was saying is that maybe you could leave some stuff. I ain't mean to yell at you. I'm sorry, Aight?"He kissed her cheek then her forehead. "I'm not trying to argue."

Damita pulled him back and they started to kiss again.

"Uh."Janet cleared her throat to make her presence known. "Hi. We have a flight to catch, and you two are in here making baby number 4."Janet pursed her lips.

"My bad."Amaru chuckled and pulled back from her. "Ima take our stuff to the car."Amaru grabbed a couple of their bags and walked downstairs.

"What was that about?"Janet raised an eyebrow.

"Nothing. He was just getting impatient with me."Damita sighed. "How much time do we have?"

"Not much. I always like to be at least 2 hours early, just in case anything happens. Missing a flight is never fun."

"You're so right. I always get to the airport late. It's never my fault though. We'll just blame that on Amaru."Damita chuckled. "Come on let's go."

Damita grabbed her last two bags that Amaru couldn't get and they walked down the stairs.

"Everybody ready?"Amari asked.

"Yeah. I think I have everything."Damita replied. Amaru walked up and grabbed her bags to put them in the trunk.

Finally, they all got in the car. Damita in the passenger seat. Amaru, Janet, and Pac in the back.

LAX was on the other side of town so they kind of had a long drive.

"So mom, I found out why your grandson has been so cranky around me lately."Amari sighed.

"What did you come up with?"Damita looked down at her phone.

"I took a test last night. I'm pregnant."Amaru chewed the inside of her lip, afraid of what her mother might say.

Damita slowly looked up from her phone and at her daughter. The way Damita looked at her made her feel like a little girl again.

Adulting. (BOOK VI)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora