1: Meeting The Vampire/Boss Again

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A bell's sound echoed throughout small café in the middle of city, startled you from your daze. You averted your eyes towards the door and saw the newcomer customer. You composed yourself before smiled politely and welcomed the customer. "Welcome to Monstax Café. How can I assist you, miss?" Your smile never left your face as you asked her nicely.

You listened thoroughly at every single word the girl said and you started to prepare the girl's order. "This is your order, miss. Please enjoy it. Please call me if you need anything else." You said with friendly manner and the girl thanked you before she paid the bill and took her tray, moving to a seat near window of the café.

When there's no one else in front of the counter, you rested your elbows on it with your chin resting on the fist your hands were making and you sighed again for nth times that day.

"What are you sighing at?" A man asked as he walked out of the kitchen, holding a tray of freshly baked cakes to fill the half empty cake display. With the sweet heavenly smell of cake filled the air, you almost drooling but fighting this urge to grab one and eat it, because once you do it, you couldn't stop anymore.

"Nothing, Hyunwoo oppa." You walked over to your senior co – worker and also a manager called Hyunwoo and helped him arrange the cake on the display. "I just...seen something weird last night and it keeps bothering me until now."

"What's something weird?" Hyunwoo asked while his hands busy putting the cakes on the display one by one, feeling curious because usually you're not the type to getting dazed while working.

"Not telling~" You sing – songed and stuck your tongue out playfully. Hyunwoo just chuckled and asked no more question to you, which you really appreciated it. You're definitely not going to tell anyone about this vampire thingy you saw last night.

The scene of the vampire sucking the girl's blood out of her neck replayed in your mind once again. Somehow you couldn't get that incident and the vampire man's face out of your mind. His blonde hair... His red eyes... His blood – stained lips... His sharp fangs... His body –


You shook your head vigorously and slapped your own forehead weakly. Seriously, stop thinking about that vampire, (Y/N), before you will fallen in love with him for real. But... Somehow you were very sure you had seen him somewhere but you couldn't remember anything at all. You released a loud sigh again as you're thinking so.

A sharp pain on your forehead snapped you out of your thoughts and you yelled in pain loudly, pressing your palm on your stinging forehead. "Ouch! Yak, Yoo Kihyun! Why did you do that?!" You hollered, giving a deathly glare at this Kihyun guy who suddenly appeared out of nowhere and now standing in front you.

Even if you didn't see it, but you were pretty sure Kihyun's definitely the one who made your forehead in pain like that. Despite his tiny figure, his fingers really were really strong when it came to flicking. Only Yoo Kihyun's flick could make you hurting like this.

Kihyun even had this smug look on his face like he's really pleased hurting you like this. But you couldn't blame your co – worker and also your bestfriend though, Yoo Kihyun was practically a devil disguised as a cute looking and tiny man. "I was trying to help you to stop dazing and stop sighing, because our boss is here." Kihyun said, as he pointed at the expensive – looking car, a black buggati veyron to be exact, parked near the café.

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