5: Hoseok's Dark Past 2/2

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Around 300 years ago...

Lee Minhyuk was a vampire who really loved to travel. Well... Travel might be a wrong word to describe it. As a vampire, Minhyuk just didn't like it to stay too long at one place. Usually Minhyuk would stay in one place for a month or so before he move away to other safe place. Besides, he liked to visit some vampires – who were as old as him, who were able to survive on animal's blood and human foods like him – whom he met in his 'traveling' in some country.

That's why Hoseok – who Minhyuk brought along to his 'traveling' – was very surprised to see there are still so many vampires exist outside the manor of the incident and Europe. And what surprised him more is...those vampires who Minhyuk visited to, were so gentle and behaving just like a normal human! Totally different with the one who bit him!

Hoseok once asked Minhyuk about this, and Minhyuk told him if the one Hoseok and his family encountered in Europe was actually one of many vampire covens who completely had no self – control for human bloods and didn't value on human life. That's why the vampires with higher statues ordered them to reside in the deepest part of the forest and with the help of the Europe government, they made the place becomes off – limit. So Hoseok could say... He and his parents were really so lucky and unlucky at the same time for being able to found them.

Still, Hoseok wouldn't say anything about it anymore. What's done is done. He had changed into a vampire and his parents were gone.

One day, Minhyuk brought Hoseok to a group of his vampire bestfriends, called INFINITE family, currently resided in Austria as nobles. It consists of Sunggyu, the head of the coven, Dongwoo, Woohyun, Howon, Sungyeol, Myungsoo and Sungjong. The family treated Hoseok well, and Hoseok was closest with Howon and Myungsoo.

Then, Hoseok also met her.

Yoo Shiah was her name.

She was a daughter of noble family who is close with INFINITE family. Hoseok met her for the first time when she visited the manor to ask Sungjong to take a walk together. With a beautiful small eyes and plump tiny lips featured on her cute tiny face, a long brown hair that fell down her back in loose curls to her waist, and dressed in beautiful cream dress with gold flowers embroidered into it, were already enough to captivate Hoseok with a single look.

Minhyuk, as Hoseok's unofficial guardian, didn't like the idea of Hoseok wanting to court Shiah, because, one, he worried about her safety as Hoseok hasn't completely controlling his bloodlust yet, two, Shiah didn't know anything about vampire existence, and three, he doesn't want to give any trouble to his bestfriends because Shiah is the daughter of one of the most powerful nobles in the area.

Hoseok told him that Shiah was an interesting girl to be friend with, and he was sure they would be nothing more than a friend, but Minhyuk didn't buy that. But after few attempts of Sunggyu persuading him, and Woohyun kept telling him it's okay and it might be a good experience and learning for Hoseok, Minhyuk finally agreed to it.

It actually went pretty well. Shiah apparently had taken interest to Hoseok as well. Shiah's family also approved of their relationship because Sunggyu lied to them about Hoseok was their relative and also from noble family who came from far and faraway country. Minhyuk didn't expected to see Hoseok never trying to dig his fangs on Shiah's neck or anyone else he seen each time he and Shiah dating outside. 'He've grown up a lot in these 200 years.' Minhyuk thought, looking like a proud father.

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