8: Getting Back

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Ever since that day, you never meet Hoseok anymore and you couldn't reach him at all.

Well, you just couldn't since you don't have his number.

The reason?

Maybe because both of you didn't need it at all, since Hoseok always visited you everyday and sometimes he would sneak into your room by your window on night and talk until you fell asleep, that's why both of you never bothered to ask for number.

You even didn't know where Hoseok lives. Hoseok had once told him he's living with his friend somewhere deep in the forest, but he never told you where is it.

You looked down at your patched up arm and an image of Hoseok's guilty face when you pulled your hand away clearly appeared in your mind. You had no idea how did your face looked like back then until Hoseok was showing such guilty face. Did you put a really scared face to him?

You sighed out loudly. You shouldn't have show that kind of face even though you knew it very well that Hoseok wouldn't deliberately hurt you. Hoseok just attracted to your blood scent, and you actually didn't mind to give some of your blood at all to him if that would make him happy. Stupid face for showing a scared look without your permission, you blamed your face.

Nevertheless, you really should find Hoseok no matter what it takes.

And of course...

It's easier said than done.

Finding Hoseok was really the hardest level mission in your life ever. Really, really, really hard!

Even Hyunwoo and Kihyun who had been working for Hoseok for a long time didn't know where Hoseok lives and didn't have his number too! They even didn't know any of Hoseok's relatives –well, that's understandable– or anyone else beside them that knows Hoseok. You even asked Hyunwoo and Kihyun to give you three days off work to search for Hoseok –which gladly they gave it to you– and spent them looking for him nearby, but to no avail of course.

A month has passed and grief started to consuming you. There wasn't a day without thinking about Hoseok and missing his presence next to you. All day, all night, Hoseok kept your mind busy that even you were dreaming about yourself running around in the dark trying to find Hoseok every night.

Hoseok had been a part of your life for too long and now that he was gone, it feels so lonely and everything just...changed. You felt like your life was no longer the same.

You really missed him. Too much until you almost had no appetite, lesser sleeptime because you chose to explore around the city at night looking for the vampire rather than sleep. That explained why you looked so pale and tired, and thinner, really almost like a living zombie. Sometimes you would smile to others who were worried about your condition and ensure them you were alright and they really didn't have to worry about you, but they of course didn't believe you.

They knew if your smile was a fake and a forced one. Your smile was not as wide and as cheerful like before. Even Changkyun refused to go to daycare center and insisted on staying by your side because he's really worried about you. Hyunwoo and the others also kept telling you to stay at home and get some rest. But you were just too stubborn.

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