Introduction / Chapter 1

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In this land known by those who occupy it as "The Older" I want you all to think of this place as a realm. It is a world just as ours today. There are a few differences of course. Such as there are no weather fluctuations. Every day brings a shinning sun with the same mild temperature and every night is covered by a blanket of erie darkness. There are skyscrapers, grocery stores, farms, even televisions and phones. However they only have home phones that don't really seem to work. Calls can come through but they cannot be made out. If you receive one of these calls it will probably wouldn't pertain to anything good. The people of The Older all work either as they did in their time on Earth or they learn a new trade. There is no money and houses are given. Things shape and change as the times do. The people of this realm never age and are incapable of reproducing. After all, they have already died. Let us begin.

Chapter 1

Meet Tiffany! Tiffany is a 26 year old woman who lived a unfulfilled life. With the troubles of any woman she grew up trying to find her place in the world. She was always very timed and shy, never one who was into the newest of styles or make-up. Although she was quite a beautiful unclaimed diamond some might say. She was 5 foot 6 inches tall, very green mistful eyes, with a slender build and a very light brown tinted hair that was cut just at the tips of her shoulders. She had just 2 relationships, neither of which ever sparked into a flame. She also had the trial of many jobs after school never quite finding her path. In the case of Tiffany it was wrong place wrong time. While she was on a path to the start of yet another job she was running a bit late. She had thought of a shorter route that might allow her to make up the minutes she had lost and arrive just on time. However while passing through an alley way crouched down beside a dumpster was a man that she noticed passing by that sent the chills through her body with an overwhelming sensation. As she kept walking forward she slowly began to hear the echo of her foot steps. Or what she thought were her foot steps. As the echo got louder she turned and just as she did the man shoved her to the side with such force. It was at this time she struck her head against the bricks of the building that had created this pathway. What her attacker planned to be a robbery turned into the end of a journey Tiffany never really got started.
As she awakes in the new world she sits up in bed holding the back of her head as her last memory strikes over her. With a look of confusion her eyes wonder the room as this place seems unfamiliar and how did she get here? As she begins to stumble around the apartment it seems obvious she isn't at home but everything appears that a woman lives here. The rooms were simple and decorative. She makes her way into the bathroom and turns on the water from the sink as she couples her hands together and takes a drink and splashes her face. As she walks around a bit more trying to wrap her head around where she is a knock at the door echos through the apartment. "What should I do" as the thoughts rush through her head. Is it the person who brought her here? Is she suppose to be here? As the knocking continues a woman's voice yells through "Tiffany"?! With hesitation she decides to unbolt the door leaving the chain still latched she turns the knob and creeks open the door. "Yes can I help you"?
"Hello Tiffany! I'm Miss Rebecca. I am here to welcome you and basically get you caught up to speed on this place." "This place?" Tiffany asked. "Yes welcome to The Older. Can you let me in please and allow me to explain it's kind of allot." With some nervousness yet curious she unhooks the latch and tells the estranged woman to come in. As they sit on the couch Miss Rebecca begins to tell her of this place and how things work. Tiffany interrupts her and shouts "this is crazy! What your telling me is I am dead and now I am stuck here! Why should I believe you?" Miss Rebecca begins to tell her "I was like you as well. Awaking in a strange place someone coming to my door making these same bold claims. I was a queen in my day and even more beautiful than I am now" with a joking laughter. And that she was. Miss Rebecca was still a woman of beauty. A late 30s woman with sandy blonde like hair, very ocean like blue eyes a curved body with the ass of a 20 year old and she loved to wear anything that would squeeze into her skin and show the body she was so confident in. "You are going to meet many people here and not everyone has such great intentions. You should meet with me before you decide to hang out with anyone. I know most of those who reside here. Just be yourself do as you normally do and always always make sure your home before night falls. There are things out there that would love to get their hands and a few other things on a young innocent woman like yourself. Unless of course your into that whole sort of thing?" "OH NO!" Tiffany said with such shock that she was just asked such a question. "I am practically a virgin Rebecca and I ... (Whoosh) all of a sudden a hand was placed over her mouth as it squeezed her cheeks. Miss Rebecca had grabbed her face. "Listen to me!" She commanded. "I told you my name is Miss Rebecca. It's not Rebecca, It's not Becky! It's Miss Rebecca! Now please you may continue." As her hand releases. Tiffany takes a breath. "I think you should leave" Tiffany suggest. "I think you should leave what?" Miss Rebecca questions her. "I think you should leave now Miss Rebecca" Tiffany says. "Ok"! She responds. "Just remember what I said and whenever you need something just give me a shout". And like that with the trail of her heels hitting the floor Miss Rebecca leaves and closes the door on her way out.

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