Chapter 3

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As Tiffany made her way through the doors down the hall into the button less elevator and up to her room. She slowly turns the knob and creeks open the door wondering if she is gonna find someone else already inside. She creeks her way through the apartment to find it is empty. It is also very dark. There is only 1 light in the apartment and it's a lamp in the living room. There isn't even an outlet anywhere. She makes her way and finds a change of clothes in the closets and decides to take a shower. Leaving the bathroom room opened so a bit of light shines through she undresses and makes her way under the pouring water. She can't help but feel as if she's being watched. Maybe it's just the darkness casting over and her mind still yet to wrap around of this place and if this is all even really happening. She calms herself and makes her way to bed. She slept very restlessly that night. A few days pass and she has remained exploring the city making it home before dark and finally getting comfortable inside her apartment. It is now the 3rd day passed since running into Emrick. Or should we say he ran into her. Her position is not a bad one to be in. Only 4 days into this new world and she is going on her first date. At least she thinks it's a date. As she tries to figure out what to wear and whether this really is a date or was it some guy who was just sharing a kind gesture? Either way she had something to look forward to. She has made a decision to wear a pink skin fitting yet comfortable summers dress and white tennis shoes. Her hair is put up into a nicely twisted bun and the front edges curled down. Nothing too impressive to her standards after all she was never one who had much dating experience and was never the all dolled up type. It was roughly the same time of day they had met so she began to make her way down and outside to wait for him. Finding a nearby restaurant with a patio that had lots of seating and tables. She sat there knowing had he come from the same direction he would certainly pass by and she would recognize him if he would not recognize her. As she waited anxiously she had begun to remember the image of him. His tall, muscular and sweat dripping stature, his dark longer hair. Also even wondering what if he cut his hair or shaved or didn't shave in the last few days would he still appear the same? Would she still easily be able to recognize him? Time seemed everlasting as she sat waiting and gazing her eyes at almost each person that passed by. As time went by and by and by still with no sight of him she had wondered if maybe her sitting there was a bad idea? Maybe she should of stood in front of the building where they met or maybe he was really just being nice to me but he didn't have to lie if he wasn't going to meet with me! It became more and more apparent as time passed and she had not seen him. He wasn't coming and the darkness was close to draping the city once again. She had given up on waiting and began to walk back to her apartment. As she entered through the doors and into the elevator back to her room kicking off her shoes as they fling across the room slamming the door behind her as it creaked back open. Lifting her skirt over her head and tossing it to the floor as she makes her way to the bathroom and turning on the water to the tub to drown herself in a long hot bath and try to forget all about this day. Thinking to herself over and over how everything had gone wrong for her on Earth and it certainly appears to be the same even here. Feeling frustrated, upset, weak and vulnerable she slides herself into the tub and just lays back. Letting her body just soak and letting her tears fill the rest of the tub. About an hour later without even a care or desire to get dressed she just got out from the tub dried herself briefly with a towel and made her way into bed that night. At least with the feeling of exhaustion typically leads to a good night of rest and she was looking forward to that. A few hours later into a deep sleep. She began to dream of the man she met. Not Emrick but the other man. The one that had walked her home that day. His image still imprinted freshly into her head. He was also a taller built man who had very strong brown eyes a light almost pale complexion still wearing a long black jacket and all black clothing and that deep distinguishing graveling voice. She had begin to imagine that they were once again on another walk back to her apartment where this time she allowed him to follow her to her room. They made their way into her apartment and just as quick as he reached his arm behind him to shut and lock the door he grabbed her hand spun her around pulled her body in tightly into his wasting no time or opportunity and pressed his lips very firmly upon hers. Reaching his hand on the bareness of the back of her neck and with the other he pressed against her stomach leading her to walk backwards to the bedroom as he was guiding her. He kept pushing and pushing until she had fallen backwards landing on the covers of the mattress. He stood standing tall at the edge of the bed in front of her dropping his coat to the floor. Then lifting his shirt revealing his body of art. He had many tattoos covering his chest stomach arms it seemed they were all over his body. So much so that it was difficult to even take notice of one. He then spoke and told her to remove all of your clothing and come kneel before me. She did as she was told. Standing on the side of the bed undressing herself and then kneeling herself before him. He leaned in and kissed her on the forehead. "Excellent" he whispered to her. "Do you give yourself to me"? He asked of her. "I do" she replied. "Than mine you shall be and you will do as I ask of you now stand on your feet bend over the bed and crawl onto it until you reach the top then turn over and spread yourself. Arms and legs spread alike and far apart as you can!" She did just as she was told. She rose from her knees to her feet, bent over the edge of the bed climbing onto it with the complete bareness of her cheeks exposed as her knees marched to the top of the bed, leaning downward and turning herself over as her hard and darkened nipples pointed to only the ceiling and the complete baldness of her skin laid there stretching her arms out and reaching her feet to the corner edges as best as she could. He then began to slowly unbutton, unzip and let his pants drop to the floor as he stepped out from them. Revealing his entire self before her. She couldn't help but take notice that his cock seemed a little too impressive and quite intimidating. It was nearly thick as her forearm and quite lengthy. With her very little experience she started to think to herself maybe I'm not ready for this. She was beginning to sit up when suddenly she found herself unable to move. It was as if she was tied or pinned down by something but there was nothing bound to her wrist or ankles and he was standing feet away from her. She started to worry and said "can you help I feel like I'm stuck right now I can't move?" With a deep laughter he said "you'll move when I want you to". She began to shout "Help" "Please let me up I don't know what's going on let me up"! He came onto the bed and slowly over her body as he placed his hand over her mouth and said "did I not just ask you if you give yourself to me? And did you not just reply with I do? You are mine now whenever I want you." "Who are you?" She asked. "My name is Salyx. I am an Incubus and you are mine now to serve for me. You can cry, scream, moan do whichever you wish I am the only one who can hear you and I would actually quite enjoy if you did all three of those".

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