Chapter 6

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A few months have passed with no word or sighting of anyone Tiffany had met. There were a few nights where she wanted Saylx to return but he hadn't. She was still upset with how things ended with Miss Rebecca but she was more use to people leaving her life rather than actually sticking around. However she had begun to find some success here and was moving forward with her "life" in the still unfamiliar world.  She had gotten a job as a waitress at a restaurant just a few short blocks from her apartment and she seemed to be doing quite well there. That was until she once again bumped into a familiar face. She had gone into work on time and was making her way through and across the restaurant with a cheerful manner and brightening smile as she had done everyday for these past few months. As she was making her way through the crowds that flooded the place in a seemingly daily fashion she approached a table just as she did with any other saying "Hello I'm Tiffany here is one of our menus I will be your waitress today. I hope your both enjoying your day and hope you enjoy your time here as well. How may I help the two of you?" The woman didn't respond. Wouldn't even make eye contact with her or lift her chin. It wasn't as if she had a menu or anything else that would distract her from interacting with Tiffany. She just sat their legs tightly together hands folded over her lap and head tilted downward as if she was looking at something on the floor near her feet. The man with his face gazing over the menu he proceeded to order for the both of them. "Bring me a bottle of your richest wine and 2 glasses along with a chicken salad no dressing for my lady friend and I will have a steak dinner medium rare cooked without butter and without any seasonings. Thank you that will be all for you" the man said as he handed her back the menu. "Well thank you sir I will take your order to our kitchen. Is there anything that I can get the two of you in the meantime while your food is prepared?" The man turned his head upwards toward her and with a rumble in his voice "I said that was all!" And there he was. A man she had recognized! A man she had seen before! At that moment he had realized he had recognized her as well. "Tiffany!". "Emrick?". "Your dinner will come shortly" she said angerly and walked away as he watched her heels nearly stomping the floor with each step. As she pinned the order on the wall in the kitchen she walked out the back door to take a moment to herself. Infuriated she was thinking to herself as the fresh air and sun gleamed over her. "Of all the tables and all the restaurants and all the assholes in my life and whatever this is I still find the most arrogant of men. Well they find me apparently! Screw this he isn't going to ruin another of my days. I'm not even going to give him that sort of attention or let him think his presence even effects me!" She thought to herself as she walked back and fourth pacing the alley behind the restaurant. With a deep breath she closes her eyes reaches for the door handle to re-enter the restaurant as she feels a hand tighten over his wrist. As her eyes vastly open there he stands. "Tiffany allow me to apologize". With a humorous tone to her voice she said "Apologize for what? You obviously had a girlfriend or a pet I should rather say be her demeanor in there. It's alright Emrick I'm fine. Go back inside through the door you came in and out of your food will be brought out soon then you can leave or you can just skip out on it? Now let go of my hand I have work to do here!". "A pet! That's actually funny and yet ironic." He replied. "Are you done?" Tiffany shouted. "I apologize for not showing on that day. It wasn't because I had other plans nor that I had a girlfriend then or now! That woman inside there is my toy if you will. She is my sub, my slave or as you refer my pet. She is whatever I tell her to be. When you spun into my path that day I was blinded and taken by you. I asked you for 3 days time to allow myself to calm because your appearance had me wanting to take you down to the cemented sidewalk and have you right there in the crowd of people but you seemed so innocent as well and I didn't want to disgrace you so I decided to just let you be. I apologize for that but it's your presence that I can't and simply have to resist for both your being and mine." With the look on Tiffany's face you could tell she was flustered by his rambling and startling response. "So your some kind of woman degrader?" She asked. "No no no Tiffany! I appreciate women very much. I just.. I just.. I was in love once in my time on Earth many years ago and it didn't work out. It changed me and I don't think I'll ever have that love again and don't think I want to but when I ran into you my blooded pumped and body curled as it did for the one I once loved and had that been true for me buy not for you it might of ended me once again". "Emrick! Let go of me and leave! I don't need your bullshit stories. Go have fun and play with your pet in there and just stay away fr... And with that came an interrupting kiss from Emrick. Still with one hand on her wrist as he placed the other on the front of her hip his hand covering her stomach, waist, and part of her thigh pressing against her she didn't even realize her back was now against the bricked wall of the restaurant and his engulfing tongue was swirling around hers as his lips pressed to hers and she could hear and feel the painting of his deep rapid breathes blowing on her face. He pulled away. "I must leave!" He said. "What about your meal?" She asked. "I'm leaving with a much better taste in my mouth now". He replied. Realizing the dampness that filled her panties she went back inside and headed back inside to the bathroom to clean and refreshes herself. As she walked out grabbing the plates for her guest as she spins around and has a clear view of the floor she realizes instantly the two of them were gone.

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