Chapter 12

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Lying their in this bed even tho she had been released from the chains she had no will or desire to move or get up from it. She curled up and closed her eyes only to waken once again back in her apartment in her bed. "What is going on here?" Tiffany thought. "Is this really just some deeply desired dreams I am having or this something real? Oh shit I'm gonna be late for work!" Dashing into the shower and around the apartment getting dressed and 20 minutes of trying to find that other shoe she was off. Her day at working going as normal as any other normal day except for the lingering question to what this all was with Saylx. There was one person that could answer her question. Tiffany knew she had to find Miss Rebecca. But how? She thought and she thought of how or who might know where she lives or how to contact her. Then she remembered. "She did say to call her but I don't know her number or maybe there is something to these phones" Tiffany thought. After finishing her shift she raced home to pick up the phone. "Hello Tiffany who would you like to speak with?" A voice came over the phone as she lifted it to her ear. "Uhm Miss Rebecca please?". "Connecting!" No ringing or tones coming from the phone she waited a few moments patiently and then "I've been waiting for your call Tiffany. I'll be over shortly we can talk then." A voice said. It had to be Miss Rebecca. About an hour later came a knock at the door. As Tiffany opened it there she was. Miss Rebecca standing there in the doorway. Tiffany's eyes glew with such joyfulness. "Miss Rebecca please please come in." As they both sat on the couch Miss Rebecca started talking first. "Now before you begin apology excepted now let's move on to why you called me? I'm assuming this is about the Incubus I told you to stay away from and warned you off isn't it? I told you nothing good ever comes from the other end of these phones." "Yes Miss Rebecca. These dreams I have feel so real and the guy I was also telling you about before Emrick he came to me while I was at work and kissed me and confessed that he had true feelings for me that's why he stood me up and it's been a confusing mess lately. I need to know what's real and what's not." "Well Tiffany here in The Older everything is real and not real. We can see touch taste and feel all but we are truly not alive so at the same time it is all just a mirage. You can see things as you wish or as you wish them to be but there are those who will make you see what they want you to see. Especially those who have been here much longer than you or even myself." "Well what do I do?" Tiffany asked. "You do as you would back on earth. You follow your instincts and your heart. I can't choose for you however I do have one question? What was it like being with an Incubus?" Miss Rebecca asked. Tiffany laughed and giggled. "It is incredible!" She replied as her cheeks blushed. They chatted and laughed as they continued to gossip and re-connect with each other. "What about you Miss Rebecca? Is there someone out there that has your interest?" Tiffany boldly asked. "There was!" Miss Rebecca replied. "Back on earth I was a queen during the medieval times. I was hung because my husband thought he had caught me in bed with another man. Turns out it was only one of our servants giving herself to one of our men in our bed. Truthfully however instead of letting my tongue spill the truth and beg for my life I took the punishment. It wasn't my husband who I was truly in love with. It was the servant who was giving herself away. She was the one I loved and the thoughts of her not loving me as I loved her made me not want to resist the punishment. I had lost the love of my life being a queen simply meant nothing nor did anything else at the time." "I am so sorry Miss Rebecca. That was way more than I expected to hear but I appreciate you telling me. I think I know what I should do now." Tiffany replied. Miss Rebecca left shortly there after. Tiffany went to bed that night feeling much lighter than she did throughout the day. Awakening the next morning she thought she would go for a run and be clear of her mind. As she got dressed and headed to the elevator and through the lobby making her way to the sidewalk ready to take off there was Emrick. He had waited there all night even through the hours of the darkness. "Emrick what are you doing here?" "I told you how I feel Tiffany. I couldn't wait any longer to know what your response will be!" "Well I have thought about it to say the least. I'm sorry Emrick but I am in love with someone else. Someone who appreciates and isn't ashamed of me or afraid to touch me." She harshly responded. "In all fairness Tiffany you are wrong about the one you love. He will never love you as I but your choice is your choice. I wish you well and hope to see you again." He then walked in one direction as Tiffany ran in another.

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