Chapter 5

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After awakening from whatever that was or wasn't and taking a shower. Tiffany was ready to head out for another day of exploration. Feeling recharged and no longer sobbing over Emrick the asshole who stood her up. She opens her apartment door to see Miss Rebecca standing there. "Good morning Tiffany I was just about to knock and see if you were awake or home. I haven't heard from you so I wanted to come over and see how your adjustment was coming along". "Come in, come in" Tiffany said excitingly. "What's going on Tiffany why do you seem so anxious?" "I have allot to share with you" Allot? Said Miss Rebecca. "You've only been here a few days what could you possibly be this excited about?" "Oh my god Miss Rebecca where do I begin? I ran into this guy and we were suppose to meet yesterday but he never showed so I came back home and had this insane dream that this man person used me and forced me to have sex with him and it was incredibly amazing but I actually met this guy the other night he walked me home when it got dark and I was still trying to find my way and then I woke up and I'm pretty sure it was all a dream he said he was some kind of Incubus whatever the hell that means but who cares and I have been exploring the city and ... "Wait just a second there"! Miss Rebecca shouted. "Let's back up. You said you had a dream of a Incubus and that he walked you home?" "Yes exactly"! Tiffany shouted. "I'm sorry Tiffany but do you know what a Incubus is? Did he say anything to you that sounded like an agreement and how did he get in here"? "Don't worry it was only a dream and I left the door open last night I forgot to lock it. I was so furious from being stood up I just went straight to bed practically and no I don't is an Incubus really a thing? He asked if I would be his or something along that line and of course I agreed it was my dreams and truthfully I was enraged and a bit horny last night anyways." "Tiffany what have you done? I told you to talk to me before meeting anyone"! "But this was all just.. "Just what Tiffany?! You think it was really some type of dream and it just so happens that it all took place on a night where you left your door open? An Incubus is a demon. A real life will haunt and terrorize you demon! If he had sex with you that means you made an agreement with him and now you are stuck with him. He will come as he pleases and screw every hole in your body destroying you. He will come when your at your weakest. He will hurt you Tiffany!" "Oh it hurt pretty good Miss Rebecca" Tiffany said in a laughing manner. "This isn't a joke Tiffany. We have to find a way to vanish him." "Ok ok I'll make sure I keep my doors locked from now on it's no big deal". "No big deal? She repeated. Miss Rebecca grabbed the thigh of Tiffany and forced it apart from the other and lunging her hand between her thighs grabbing her. Give me your pussy now! She ordered. This is the shit he will do. Command you whenever he feels like it and as much as you force or try to stop him you won't be able to. Do you like just letting whomever grabbing your pussy, pinching your clit between their fingers?" Tiffany shoved her hand away and said "NO I do not and I certainly don't appreciate you acting this way and grabbing me like that. You should leave. Get out!" "Fine I will go. Call for me when your ready to act as a lady and not some tramp summoning demons just to get her holes filled"! Tiffany slammed the door behind Miss Rebecca as she left the apartment. Another day that seemed to start off bright and cheerful is now ruined again by the people of this place. What if she was right tho she thought to herself. What if it really wasn't a dream and I basically just sold off my body to be used whenever this demon pleases? No no way is that's even possible. Tiffany stayed in the house that day. She actually stayed in her apartment for weeks. She didn't want to interact with anyone right now. So far the people she has met have all down something wrong to her in her eyes.

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