Chapter 2

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"What just happened? Who is this lady? Why am I here and how did she know" so many questions running through the head of Tiffany right now. One thing was sure she had to know what was going on. What was the truth? What is this place? She roams the apartment again and finds a bedroom. She begins to search through things. Finding clothes and shoes and panties bras everything that seems to be her size and her style as if it all were her own. She decides to lace up a pair of the shoes and head outside and see what's going on. She leaves the apartment with fear yet curiously awaiting to what she'll discover. As she makes her way down the long hallway she can see an elevator. With the press of a button the door opens. She enters. As she does the doors begin to shut and she notices there are no buttons or panel as you would normally find on any other. Just then the elevator begins to move and she can tell it is heading downward. As just a few seconds pass the elevator stops and the doors open. She finds a lobby entrance with chairs a couch paintings a desk even a coffee pot. It seems as if shes in this strange-fully normal place. As she begins to pass through and exit the revolving door a desk clerk yells out "Good afternoon Miss Conner enjoy your day". With a look of quite confusion she pauses but makes her way through the door and makes her way to the side walk. As she begins to walk the streets noticing people everywhere. People engaged in conversations, some sitting and eating meals, a man jogging in the distance, even a grease and condiment covered hot dog vendor at the corner. "Either I'm dreaming or I really am dead" she thinks out loud spinning in circles gazing at all the sights. "Lady watch out"!! A shout pours over here as she turns (crash). She is trampled and knocked to the ground as a man hovers over here. "Lady what are you doing just gazing around getting in peoples way?" The man asked. "I'm sorry I'm trying to figure out what's going on here. I woke up and I was in an apartment that I've never been in and I think I'm lost or something I'm not quite sure and then there was this lady and .. I'm sorry I'm just babbling now. Would you mind helping me up sir?" Sir?! The man said very questioningly. "Yes miss take my hand." As he lifts her back to her feet he says "So you are one of the new ones. Yes it is all true you have died on earth and now you are here. As we all are. We are all those who were on earth once and lived a life that we have not yet fulfilled and we are here until we fulfill whatever it is or whoever it is we are to become. I know it's allot to grasp at first but once you do then you can focus on finding your way". Becoming curious and starting to believe maybe this is all true she ask the man "How long have you been here?" "246 years" he replies. "I'm sorry but what?!" With a commanding voice. "You certainly don't look that old how can that be?" "How old do I appear to you" he asked. "I don't know perhaps 40?" He was a bit older than her you can tell by his stature he was a matured man. He had to be between 6 feet tall or bigger. Her head nearly came to his chest as she stood before him. He wore a day or 2 old shaved shadow across his face with black her that hung over his ears with a bit of grey outlining the sides and surely the back. He was also well defined as she could see the drips of sweat running down his neck and vein pumping arms as he stood with his hands at his waist band noticing the outline of his pelvis area as her eyes gazed over him but she quickly lifter her eyes back to his. "I'm Emrick by the way" he stated. "Tiffany nice to meet you sir". "Please stop referring to me as Sir! Sir is a title of a man of age and although I am a man of many years I certainly don't take to that part. Just call me Emrick." "Ok Emrick so where are you off to?" "I am just on a run to wherever I find myself". "Well if you don't mind walking I wouldn't mind joining you?" With a smirk and some hesitation he said "as nice as your offer sounds I'm gonna have to pass at the moment. I run for training and it is something that's very important to me. However I am taken a bit away that a women as young and beautiful as you would offer yourself to me. How about I meet you back here in 3 days? Let you get a feel for things and a little more comfortable first and if your standing right here in 3 days time I will join you for a walk?" Ugh my first day here and my first shut down Tiffany thought to herself. Although he did seem quite serious and mannered enough to tell me strike back with a counter offer. "Ok Emrick 3 days it is." And as they both just silently smiled staring at each other off he went. Tiffany was back to being alone and wondering the city. She walked and walked checking out stores and just taking notice of everything. As the sun began to set and the darkness began to settle in she noticed the streets began to clear of the crowds that filled them earlier. She remembered Miss Rebecca told her to be back inside before the darkness took over so she began to head back to the only place she knew and thought might actually be her home. She is becoming a bit concerned as she is realizing she has wondered quite a distance and not all too sure of how close she even is yet. There are very few people on the street anymore and the shadows are casting behind her with the darkness overcoming the city. Strangely she realizes there are also no street lights or a moon and stars to light up the sky. As she looks back it's almost complete darkness casting behind her she can no longer see into the distance. Racing and peddling her feet faster and faster the dark shadow passes over her. She begins to run and run as fast as she can constantly looking behind and in front of her with a look of fear draping her face. She is exhausting herself running with fear. "I have to stop for a minute. I need to take some breathes clear my head and get home". As she stands leaning against the bricks of a building a man begins to appear from the darkness behind her. He is walking very slowly. "Excuse me" she shouted. "I'm sorry but I'm lost I think and I'm new here I'm trying to get home do you know this place?" The man with a very deep gravel in his voice replied "Yes I do. This can be a very scary and strange place for those who don't know their way. I can help you but we must hurry. Can you tell me what your home looked like?" "I don't know it's an apartment building and it has a revolving door and there's this lobby" "I know exactly where that is. Your just a few blocks away. Here take my hand and let's hurry and get you home". With no other options she does. She grabs and clinches the mans hand and he begins to pull her as he leads the direction. "Well here you are. Do you need me to walk you inside"? "No that would be asking too much. Oh and thank you for saving me." "It will be my pleasure" he said with a very wide smile. As he was about to turn and walk away he said "How rude of me I didn't get your name" "Tiffany" she replied. "Tiffany" he repeated to himself. "Well good night Tiffany I'll be seeing you around".

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