Chapter 10

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Meanwhile back to Tiffany. As she finished out her work day and arrived back to her apartment flooded with a mix of emotions. Raged by seeing Emrick after he stood her up, and then to see him with another woman was even more so infuriating but that kiss! That kiss and him exposing himself to her was both very arousing as he just took charge of her and forced his lips onto hers and quite a sweet gesture that he thought of her in such a way. It was still all quite confusing. She paced around for hours trying to determine how she felt about today's event. It was becoming a moment she had wished Miss Rebecca was around. At least she could have another woman to talk to. The darkness was beginning to fall and she was becoming exhausted by all the emotions. Making her way into bed she just flopped her face down into the pillows. She had become too restless as she fell fast asleep. It was a few hours later she was woken by a startling sound as if something had fallen in her apartment. A noise that she could tell came from the living room. With some hesitation and a little curiosity but mostly fear she decided to make her way out of bed and slowly creep and inch her way down through the room and down the hall, peaking her head as she stepped closer and closer to the living room feeling a light chilled breeze drafting over her. As she made it to the entryway she could see a shadowy figure standing there. Quickly pressing her back against the wall! Unsure of what to do or say she just instinctively shouted "I have a gun! Leave now or I will shoot you"! A mocking laugh followed from her threat. "You don't have a gun! They do not exist here and if you do not come to me this instant you will not exist either!" A dark strong voice said. "Who are you? What do you want?" "I want what is mine and that is you Tiffany!" "Emrick is that you?" The man suddenly appeared right before her in the dark hall as his hand placed around her throat in a threatening manner. "No! How dare you forget or even call me by another's name!" As her eyes adjusted she could see it was Salyx! "Why are you here?" She asked. "Do not bother me with your questions! You are mine remember? When! Where! And How I want you! I am hosting a party tonight and I wish for you to come. Let me rephrase that I am hosting a party tonight and you are coming! There is a dress laid on your bed along with your shoes for this evening. You will not find a bra nor panties as they will be useless for you tonight and only ruin your appearance. Get dressed and return to me!" Not truly believing there was a dress on her bed yet curious to whether there was she made her way back to her bedroom. There is was. Just as he said. A glimmering sparkled beige dress almost matching the tone of her skin and a pair of white heels with straps the covered the front of her feet. Deciding to go along with it Tiffany swapped out her clothes for the dress and heels. Debating for a moment but then ultimately deciding to not go against Saylx she skipped out on wearing a bra or any panties. Taking a few moments to enter into her bathroom and freshen up. A quick brush of her hair as she decided to let it fall to her shoulders she stepped out. "You look astonishing my love!" Salyx said as she could feel his eyes looking right through the dress and all up and down her as she made her way back to him. She took notice of what he was wearing as well. A very fitting all black suit as his jacket was un-buttoned seeing the black shirt he had underneath and his res tie appealing to her eyes. It was within an instant that they were at the party. "Where are we exactly?" Tiffany whispered to Saylx. "This is my castle and It will be ours soon as you agree to come live here." Taking her by the arm wrapping it with his they walked through the rooms of his castle. Introducing her to many of the people who were there. Tiffany's eyes kept having around. It was breathtaking as the castle appeared to be one from the 17 or 1800's. You could see every brick from the edges of the floor and up the ceiling. No glass in any of the windows. Torches on the wall and chandeliers flaming that light up the whole place. With the sounds of music starting to play from the piano at the corner of the room and the band of musicians that were there they began to dance. Taking her hand dancing and dancing they did. Smiling and laughing. It was one of the most enjoyable moments Tiffany had ever experienced. Starting to feel as if they were the only ones in the room Tiffany leaned in and kissed him. Feeling the passion coming from her lips he firmly sucked her tongue as it slipped into his mouth and biting her lower lip as he pulled away. "I must show you another room! Do you wish to come with me?" "Yes!" Very simply she replied. Making their way through the party and rooms of the castle they entered through a door where the room was very dark. There was finally a room that wasn't light. Taking her by the hand and leading her into it he turned to her and started kissing her very passionately removing her dress as it unzipped and fell to the floor as she stepped out of it continuing to follow his lead. "Stop! Stop right here!" Salyx demanded.

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