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I never wanted to go to high school.

It just didn't make sense to me why over a thousand smelly, angry teens were crammed into one place so they could maybe learn a few things. 

As of right now, I am a senior at Seoul high school, and after this year, I will be free. Don't get me wrong though, I have friends and some of the teachers are nice, but I'm quite positive that no eighteen year old likes school...

"SEOK-JIN! YOUR FRIEND IS HERE!" My grandmother screamed from the bottom of the stairs with immense force that no old woman should have. I flattened down my hair in the mirror and then scrambled down the steps to see a certain black haired boy standing there, awkwardly looking around at my house. Min Yoongi.

"How come you always look like that every time you come into my house? Its not like you've never been here before." I sighed as we headed out the front door to school. He shook his head and punched my arm lightly.

"Yeah, but it's your Grandma's house so therefore I have to be respectful." He ran a hand through his hair while I was struggling to fix my glasses. Our uniforms were quite simple, in the summer boys and girls wore white shirts with black ties and for pants guys wore navy blue shorts and girls wore navy blue skirts with a white stripe across it. In the winter we all had jackets and the girls were allowed to wear long skirts with leggings or pants. It was pretty conservative but it was nice that the girls were allowed to wear pants if they wanted to.

"Are you ready for your last year Jin?" Yoongi looked up at me, expecting a reply. I snapped out of my thoughts and smiled to him.

"Not really, I'll be sad to leave you all. I'm still not sure what I want to do though. Maybe a chef or a doctor?" Grabbing my chin, I thought about my after high school plans. Yoongi nodded as we reached the school yard, waving to everyone else in greeting. 

"Hey guys!" I greeted our friends as we approached. We were popular but not your typical mean kids, we were the kind of people who would help teachers clean up after school or tutor kids in subjects. We always tried to do the right thing for people and show them that they mattered to the world and that they were loved. Kim Namjoon (16, Sophomore), Min Yoongi (17, Junior), Jung Hoseok (16, Sophomore), Park Jimin (14, Freshman), Kim Taehyung (14, Freshman), Jeon Jeongguk (12, 7th grader), and Kim Seokjin (18, Senior) were the saviors of Seoul high school. We were all friends with Jungkook because he was like our son, and his parents never payed attention to him so he found us one day while we were all at the park back when I was a freshman. Everyday before school and during lunch, he would come over from the middle school to see us because they had a longer lunch time than us. 

I scooped Jungkook off the ground and rested him on my shoulders, he began to laugh along with the rest of us.

"I hope we all have a good year!" Jungkook patted my head as I set him back down again. 

"You better make some tough friends over at the school Jungkook. Or we'll have to come over there to keep you safe" Jimin replied sternly while pointing a finger at him. Jungkook stuck out his tongue and picked up his school back, walking across the street to the middle school. I heard a few of the others sigh at Jungkook's attitude. 

"I really hope he finds some friends this year, you remember what happened last year with the bullies. It was like trying to get that kid witness protection when we talked to the teachers" Namjoon rubbed his face in irritation as we began walking inside. I bowed to a few teachers as we passed, dropping off Taehyung and Jimin at the auditorium for freshman orientation. Just before they walked in, I grabbed both of their collars and dragged them back towards me. 

"Hey, let us go in!" Taehyung complained. 

"I will, but first...did you pack your lunch and do you have enough school supplies? Do you want me to take you to the store afterwards to get some more things? Because you know I can-" Jimin pressed a finger to my lips, cutting me off from worrying over them.

"We'll be fine Jin, so don't worry okay?" Jimin replied while hugging me, Tae did the same. I almost broke down in tears over them, all six of the younger boys really were like my kids. They had such hard lives when they went home, my grandmother's house was always a safe house for them.

"Bye Mom!" Taehyung giggled as he pulled Jimin into the auditorium. Namjoon had to pull me away from going in there with them.

"Come on Jin, let's go, we'll be late" Yoongi groaned as we began walking again. Hoseok and Namjoon waved as they walked into their homeroom. Shortly after, Yoongi left me to my own devices as I walked down another hallway. I began walking faster to insure that I wouldn't be late to class. 

I ran into something and looked down to see a girl with bright blue hair and a few piercings sitting on the floor. I crouched down helping her pick up the papers she dropped, smiling I stood up and scratched the back of my neck.

"I'm sorry I ran into you" I bowed to her.

"It's fine." She pushed passed me and scurried off to class without a glance back at me. I shrugged it off as she was shy and sauntered into my class to greet the teacher I've had for the past four years.

"Hello SeokJin! Its wonderful to see you again!" 

"Good Morning Mrs. Park, I just dropped Jimin off at the auditorium" Mrs. Park frowned at the mention of her son. Realising my mistake I scampered off to my seat, hoping that Jimin would be spared from his parent's wrath. I would have to find him at lunch and apologize.

What a wonderful start to the year


After finishing the first half of the day, I made my way to the cafeteria to meet up with everyone. We had an hour long break right after lunch so it was quite convenient for us. Jungkook's after lunch break was only half an hour. I said hello to a few people I knew from classes as I walked over to my friends, new students staring at the seven of us in awe. I smiled at a few of them as I sat down. Jungkook ran around to my side of the table and sat next to me on the bench. He leaned against me and I kissed the top of his head, my always present motherly tendencies showing once again.

"So how were classes for everyone this morning?" Hoseok asked while stuffing rice into his mouth.

"Boring." Yoongi sighed and picked at his food. Everyone else nodded in agreement at the grumpy boy's declaration. My encounter with Jimin's mother earlier in the day popped into my mind. I put my head in my hands, I couldn't look Jimin in the eye.

"I'm sorry Jimin" I could feel him staring at me.

"I told your mother that I saw you today..." I felt a hand on my back and I looked up to meet his kind eyes. He smiled sadly at me.

"Its alright hyung, don't worry about me" I felt my heart break as I heard those lies. I knew what happened to him when he got home. I knew what happened to all of them when they came home from school or on the weekends, and I could feel my soul hurting. They were just kids....the situations they were put in, it was enough to make many people weep for them. I wasn't exactly religious but I felt the need to pray for their safety often. 

Our lunch table was pretty quiet that day, it seemed like any good news we though of, had withered away.


New book!!! I hope people read it this time 'round, anyways...This is a prequel so if you haven't read Her; Serendipity then read that first. Have a good day everyone.



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