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We had all gathered outside the school gate the next morning, an hour early as usual. Jimin however, hadn't shown up yet.

"Jin, shouldn't we look for him? What if his step-dad did something again?" Yoongi's calm demeanor had always been flimsy when it came to Jimin. Namjoon grasped his shoulder in a fatherly manner.

"It'll be fine, Jimin is strong, have some faith in him, okay?" He reassured all of us and sure enough, the small, black haired boy came sprinting down the sidewalk, holding all of his things tightly in his arms. He was out of breath when he arrived and I could see a bandage peeping out from his shirt collar. He smiled at us brightly, but just like before, I could tell it was fake.

"Jiminie! Why were you late?" Jungkook ran up to him and smacked his arm, causing Jimin to wince.

"I'm sorry Kookie. I had to talk to my mom, why don't you get going to school now? We don't want you to be late" Jimin laughed nervously and walked the boy across the street, I turned to the others with a questioning look on my face.

"Did anyone else see the bandages?" They all nodded, looking somber. Jimin walked back over and his demeanor immediately changed. Tears welled in his eyes and I quickly brought him into my arms.

"My mother said she loves me Jin. I just feel so bad for her, that man hurts her too. I can't go to the police though, what do I do?" I wiped his eyes with my sleeve and put my chin on the top of his head, bringing him closer to me.

"It'll be alright Jimin. Everything will be fine. We are here...now lets get going, yes?" He nodded and we all walked into the school, a little more quietly than yesterday.


I had just gotten into my homeroom class, which also happened to be Calculus. My least favorite class. As I walked up to Mrs. Park's desk, I handed her a note. 

Please be kind to your son. We'll help you escape soon.

Without looking at her reaction I returned to my seat. I pulled out my book and started writing down the practice assignment on the board. Briefly, I made eye contact with Mrs. Park and I swore I caught her smiling at me. 

Throughout the whole class, I couldn't focus for the life of me. My mind kept racing to all of my friends.

If Jimin's mother is watching out for him, then things should be looking better, but what about all the others? I should pick up Jungkook after school again and take him to grandma's. I should probably take Hoseok as well, his mother will be too far in her world to notice that he is gone. Hopefully the others will be alright? I might have to invest in a car soon, with having to take care of all of them. Walking probably won't cut it for long, I'll need one if I want to go to college as well. Speaking of which, I need to talk to Mr. Lee about my plans-

"Mr. Kim....Have you been listening to any of this?!" Suddenly, Mrs. Park appeared in front of my desk, a ruler in her hand. I shook my head and stood up, bowing.

"I apologize. I have a lot on my mind right at the moment." I sat back down and she began walking away checking work from the other students. I turned my head to the right and noticed the girl with blue hair sitting in the seat beside me. 

I wrote a note to her and threw it onto her desk discreetly.

안녕하세요,죄송합한 부딪히는 당신은 어제 (hey, sorry for bumping into you yesterday)

내가 말한 그것은 잘했습니다. (I said it was fine.)

죄송합니다. 어쨌든,당신의 이름은 무엇입니까? (Sorry. Anyway, what's your name?)

미나입니다. (Mina.)

그것은 예쁜 이름 (That is a pretty name.)

감사합니다. 나를 떠나 지금 혼자입니다. (Thanks. Please leave me alone now.)

I sighed quietly out of frustration. All I wanted was to be friends with this Mina girl, I didn't see the harm in that.


"So did today turn out better than yesterday?" Taehyung asked as soon as we all sat down at our usual table. Some girls at the other end of it were eyeing us like hungry wolves, it freaked me out a bit.

"I ran into a girl with blue hair yesterday and today she was in calculus with me. It turns out her name is Mina. I tried to talk to her but she was mean." I pouted, making the other boys laugh.

"I'm sure she didn't want to talk to you, because she was in class." Namjoon pointed out while eating his eggs. I made a face and picked at my chicken.

"Well she didn't seem the type to pay attention in class. With her blue hair and piercings." Yoongi's head shot up.

"What are you trying to say about people with piercings? We all have our ears pierced except for Hoseok, so don't judge people" He pointed a chopstick at me. My frown deepened before I felt little fingers on my lips. I turned to see Jungkook lifting my face up.

"Don't frown. You'll get wrinkles." Everyone began to laugh, excluding me.

"Hey! How old do you think I am?" I glared ferociously.

"Older than the earth" He giggled and returned to his spot by Taehyung. Remembering what I was thinking about in calc, I spoke up again.

"Hoseok, I'm taking you and Jungkook to my grandma's house today. If anyone else wants to come that's fine. I'll wait in our usual spot under the wisteria tree alright?" They all nodded,

"Why are we going to Madam's house?" Jungkook asked, using the name he gave my grandma. He had started calling her madam ever since we met three years ago. When I first took Jungkook to the big house, he thought it was a mansion so he thought he should be respectful and call her Madam. She thought he was adorable and let him call her that, so it just kind of stuck. As for the wisteria tree, it was around 100 years old and the school didn't have the heart to take it down, so out by our koi pond sits a huge tree, its branches held up by poles.

 As for the wisteria tree, it was around 100 years old and the school didn't have the heart to take it down, so out by our koi pond sits a huge tree, its branches held up by poles

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So in the spring time, blossoms fall and people come and sit under it to admire its beauty. No one in the school harmed it, not even the delinquents, some people even believed that it held spiritual wonders. But no one could say...I believed that the tree brought light to the world around it, and from what I could see, it made people very happy. 


Definitely lighter than the last chapter, yeah? Don't worry, that won't last long.



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