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Compared to the other six boys, Yoongi was quite different. He was the type to not brag about much and he didn't really say much about himself. You would never catch him complaining either. There were a few quirks about him though, for example, Yoongi played the piano, flute and piccolo, he also wanted nothing to do with wealth or fame. Yoongi, believe it or not, could sing, but he never did that in front of others. He was also bisexual, and his most favorite thing to do in the world, was laugh.

Doesn't sound anything like him does it?

He wasn't afraid of much, only death, and being alone. But he didn't have to worry about that...right?

(after school that day)

"Yoongi come down here please! Your father and I want to talk to you!" The short boy clumped down the stairs, indifference practically oozed from him. It wasn't that he didn't care what people had to say....actually no he really didn't give a shit about what others thought...

"What is it mom?" His parents were both sitting at the kitchen table, looking utterly stressed out with life. A frown reached his face, it was laced with confusion.

"Did something happen?" He pulled out a chair from the table and sat down next to them. His father smiled while his mother reached to grab her son's hand. His dad set a particularly nasty note on the table Yoongi had gotten that day at school. the boy sighed and ran a hand through his hair. His father looked at him pointedly.

"Why don't you just kill yourself, you dirty whore. Everyone knows you like dick." His father recited the note, making Yoongi cringe.

"Why didn't you tell us Yoongs?" His mother placed a hand on his shoulder while covering her mouth with her other. He shrugged it off and stood up, throwing the note away in the trashcan. Before he could walk away his father grabbed his wrist forcefully.

"Just so you know...no son of mine will like men. Keep that in mind Min Yoongi" Said boy glared darkly, he could feel anger bubbling up in his chest. Ripping his arm away, he thudded up the stairs and slammed his bedroom door shut, tears began to stream down his cheeks. Yoongi threw himself on his bed and screamed into his pillow.

"Why!? Why can't I just be how they want me to be? What if I like boys too?!" Slowly, he broke down, turning into the innocent kid he truly was. A knock could be heard on his door, Yoongi picked up his pillow and chucked it in that direction, nailing the door with excessive force. Shortly after a knock came again, he groaned and stomped over to the door, opening it without looking and stomping back to his bed. The bed sank slightly beside him and he looked up to see his mother sitting there, looking sorry for herself.

"Now Yoongi. You know we don't exactly agree with peo-" She started,

"I know that. If you're here to tell me that I should kill myself then save it. I hear it enough as it is." He scooted away to the other side of the bed, making his mother chuckle. She pulled on his shirt and dragged him back over to her. 

"No I would never tell you that. All I wanted to say is I love you, but you really should reconsider liking men, maybe I should find you a girlfriend?" 

"Mom! I've told you before that I like boys more than I like girls, so it is highly unlikely that you will find someone who I actually like. Now please leave me alone. I don't need to hear this."

"Well alright, about the bullying-"

"Stop." Yoongi stood up and walked away, plopping himself down in the corner of his room, next to a dead spider he still hadn't gotten rid of. He made a face and wiggled further away. His mother gave up on reasoning with him and left the room. After a few minutes of waiting to see if his mother actually left, Yoongi got up and went over to his desk and sat down at his computer. He went to an online chatting website, hoping that talking to people there would make him feel better. Just then he got a text from Jimin.

Wonder; Euphoria 起 [DISCONTINUED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora