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The young boy was afraid to return home to his parents but he knew that if he didn't come home and go to Jin's house instead, he'd be in even more trouble. It seemed to him that fear was coursing through his veins instead of blood. He was more afraid of his father than mother, he would abuse him physically but also emotionally, he was the reason Jimin hated himself.


Opening the door timidly, the boy crept along the wall, making as little noise as possible. Sadly the floorboards creaked and he could hear his father thundering down the steps. As fast as he could, he ran to the backyard only to be met by the fence his father had welded shut. Tears began to stream down his face as his father raced across the backyard to him, a broken beer bottle in his hand. Jimin fell to the ground as his father pounced on him, one blow after another being thrust upon the boy. 

He began to slip from consciousness, his face swelling up from pain. The evil man picked him up by his hair, looking him straight in the eyes.

"Explain to me why I got a call from your mother while I was at work?" His glare was intense but the young kid was more focused on the bottle in his hand. 

"Answer me!" His father roared, striking him again with the dangerous object. Jimin spit up blood onto the grass, his voice coming out in short bursts.

"J-Jin..took me...t-to the ori-orientaion..." That earned him a slap.

"How many times have we told you not to bother other people?! You are to stay in the background like a doll and you will remain quiet! Why can't you be perfect like we asked you?!" Tears flowed down Jimin's puffy cheeks, he didn't have the heart to blame his hyung for any of this, his mind became filled with the thoughts his parents put in his mind. 

Worthless. Trash. Ugly. Fat. Stupid. Nuisance. 

"I'll...try harder" The beautiful boy's face began to turn black and blue, he breathed slowly, clutching his ribs as he knew they were bruised as well. His father threw him to the ground.

"Damn right you'll try harder! Now when I finish watching my drama I expect to see you in the room! If you aren't there, your punishment will last until tomorrow morning!" He knew exactly what the room was and he knew what was going to happen to him.

Jimin cried harder, wishing that his friends were there to hold him and tell him that they love him, they were his real family...


The boy was standing in his bathroom completely naked, looking at the new bruises he had just received, he ran a finger over his old scars that were inflicted upon him. He was only fourteen and he had already seen so much. His life was full of pain and he was ready to give up trying to escape. He only six lights in his life, Jin, Namjoon, Jungkook, Hoseok, Yoongi and Taehyung, Jimin just hoped that they would be enough to keep him alive. 

He cleaned himself up because he knew that he would be in no condition to later. His father was actually his step-dad, Jimin never knew his real father. People that knew him though, said he was the kindest man to ever walk the earth and when he died, his mother went off the walls. His step-father was the only adult man in his life, but he didn't seem like a dad at all.

Jimin refused to let tears flow down his face as he put on the outfit his father always made him wear. If one could really call it an outfit...It was just a pair of skin tight leather shorts and a collar but the boy hated it. He absolutely loathed this part of his life with his entire being and the only people who knew about it were his friends. It had been happening for as long as he could remember, even his mother didn't know about this part. Jimin couldn't remember a time in his life when he wasn't afraid of his own home.

As he walked into the room, he shut the door and laid down on the bed, trying to get a few minutes of sleep before....the monster came.


He wanted to vomit when that man left, his whole body hurt and he got the feeling like millions of insects were crawling on him. Standing up slowly, Jimin hobbled to his bathroom, he could feel the blood trickling down his leg and he wanted to faint. His wrists burned and his hair felt like it had been ripped out. Looking in the mirror, Jimin gasped, seeing the dried blood on himself. Old wounds had been reopened and new ones had just appeared. He felt dirty, like he was an entity trapped in someone else's body. And he hated it.

~Warning Over~

Getting his med-kit from under the sink, he sat on a towel on the floor and practically drenched himself in disinfectant. It took him about 10 minutes but he had finally cleaned everything up. Retrieving gauze from the comically red box, he wrapped everything up in it and when he was done he looked like a mummy. He stood up, putting the med-kit away and looking at himself in the mirror once more. He chuckled and made a noise that sounded like a zombie.

"No point in covering up the bruises on my face right now. I just hope the swelling will go down by tomorrow. And I should probably wear a long sleeve uniform shirt tomorrow too. Hopefully no one will notice anything. I'd be in big trouble" Sighing, the raven haired boy slipped on an over sized sweater and glided into his room, his bed looking more and more inviting as the seconds passed.



The alarm clock almost shattered with the strength of the hit Jimin inflicted upon it. He looked over to see the time.

6:00 am

He groaned and dragged himself to the bathroom attached to his room. The only way to enter it was through a door beside his closet. Noticing the bandages on his legs had blood seeping through them, he undid those first and put a band-aid on a particularly nasty cut. He put new bandages on everything and got out his makeup. The swelling in his face had gone down overnight but the morning puffiness was just appearing. As usual...

"You've got to be kidding me..." He groaned and washed his face, staring at his ugly bruise under his eye through the glass that was his mirror, he applied concealer along with his other makeup. Refusing to look like he just crawled out of a sewer, Jimin slapped on the rest of his products, making himself feel renewed. He collected his things for school and hopped down the stairs, only to be greeted by his mother. Jimin didn't really hate her, he felt bad that she was being forced to be mean to him around his step-father. As he looked into her eyes he saw how much this was hurting her. He saw who she was before his father died.

"Jimin-ah....I'm so sorry. I love you so much my dear boy, please don't ever forget that. You mean the world to me. I know your father was here, he would love you too, so don't worry okay? We'll get rid of that man somehow..." Mrs. Park stroked her son's face softly, hoping that she would be able to save him soon. 


This story is going to be a sad one, I feel so bad for Jimin. His mother is good but she's trapped just like her son. 



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