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Yoongi had been avoiding us all day and after awhile Namjoon started to get fed up, he knew something was going on with him but Yoongi just wouldn't talk to us. I noticed he had a long number written on his hand in sharpie, but I said nothing. When we were at lunch, Yoongi got out of the lunch line last, while Namjoon and I waited for him. I left the others at the table with Jungkook in charge so they would be safe. Yoongi looked surprised as Namjoon grabbed his wrist and pulled him into the hall. I took Yoongi's tray from the stunned lunch lady with a smile, making sure that he wouldn't drop or forget it. In the hall, Namjoon wore his angry face and Yoongi had on his 'Your opinion is irrelevant and therefore you are and idiot so I shall not listen to you' face. 

"What is going on with you today!? ...You know that you can talk to us right?" Namjoon was stern at the beginning but he fall apart like he always does at the end. 

"Considering you just yelled at me, I don't think I want to." He crossed his arms and glared right into Namjoon's eyes, his rebellious side had finally made its appearance. I put a hand on his shoulder, directing his attention to me.

"Is something happening at home? You know that Namjoon and I can help you if you are in trouble. We are doing it for Jimin and-"

"I don't need your help thanks. Oh and Namjoon?" The tall boy looked back over at the two of us, slightly distracted. 

"I'm older than you. So stop being so informal with me." I could tell those words hit Namjoon hard, pain flashed through his eyes. That stuck something in me and my grip on Yoongi's shoulder turned to iron.

"Hey. Stop acting like a brat." My tone was calm, freaking them both out for a few moments. Yoongi chuckled and shook my hand off, his face went blank just like my tone. But suddenly a ferociously loud yell came out from him.

"WHY DO YOU ALWAYS TRY TO ACT LIKE MY MOM?! YOU'RE SERIOUSLY STARTING TO PISS ME OFF! STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM ME FOR ONCE!" He picked up his tray from a table and stormed off up the stairs, probably heading to the music wing or the library. Namjoon called after him for awhile before giving up and hugging me. The tears wouldn't stop rushing down my cheeks and before I knew it, we had both crumpled to the floor, Namjoon holding me in his arms. We sat there awhile just because we could and little did I know, Yoongi was also crying a ways up the stairs, wanting to apologize but not knowing how.

"Are you alright Jin?" Namjoon spoke softly to me, as if speaking to some wild animal or a small child. I shook my head and wrapped my arms around his muscular waist, enveloping myself in his warmth. 

"I-I just...I don't know what to think anymore. I just want you all to be happy but if I'm being to pushy..." I heard Namjoon's low voice through the vibrations his chest created,

"Please don't do that. We need you Jin. Especially the younger ones, they really look up to you and you are like their mother, there is nothing wrong with that though. Keep being that person for them because if you stop then well...we won't know how to keep on living I guess. What I'm trying to say is, we all love you Jin. So don't change okay?" Halfway through his speech I had to look away because I began bawling my eyes out again. Namjoon noticed at the end and squeezed me tightly with reassurance, something I greatly appreciated.

"I love you guys too, you mean the world to me. I'd give up everything for you all." We both smiled and Namjoon pulled us up so we could stand. We wandered back over to the lunch table with our food, the younger ones looking at us in disbelief.

"What happened to Yoongi? Where did he go? I heard him yell." Hoseok asked worriedly, the others nodded. I scratched the back of my neck out of habit before replying.

"Well...he was upset about something and we just wanted to find out, but he blew up and stormed off. I think its best if we let him be for now. We shouldn't push him to talk if he doesn't want to, that wouldn't help anything." Namjoon agreed and we both sat down, all of silently hoping that Yoongi would return to us. 

After lunch had ended, Jungkook made the executive decision to go outside and sit under the old apple tree. We all followed him as we had nothing else to do except exist in the world peacefully. 

"Jungkook, do you want to come home with me again today? I can take you all too if you'd like," 

"What about Yoongi? It wouldn't be the same without him. Should I call or something?" I shook my head in dissent.

"How about if we all wait for a little while after school at out spot to see if Yoongi will show?" After everyone agreed with me, we all fell silent for awhile as nothing else needed to be said. It was a lovely day outside and the weather was perfect for just sitting and doing nothing. It was cloudy but not rain cloudy and warm enough that you wouldn't get cold but cool enough you wouldn't burst into flames from the heat. 

"I think Yoongi is being bullied." Taehyung stated abruptly, making us all curious. 

"Jungkook you should go off to school now" I ruffled his hair and sat up, causing him to frown sourly at me.

"Why do I always have to go home when things get good like this? Its so unfair" He crossed his arms and turned away from me, pouting like a little kid.

"Because sometimes when we talk, it is too sensitive for little ears. Now come on, lets get up. Do you want me to walk you across the street?" He shook his head and started walking away before turning around and waving,

"Bye hyungs and mom, tell Yoongi that I say he's being mean!" He giggled and turned back around, looking both ways before crossing the street like I taught him. Hoseok let out a hearty laugh at Jungkook's remark.

"He gets his sass from Yoongi. Ya know, some day that kid is gonna grow up to be a real mess from all of our weird personalities" Jimin joked, causing us all to laugh once more. It was good though, because it never hurts to laugh from time to time.

"So why do you think Yoongs is being bullied? I don't see any reason why he would be. He's a good kid" Namjoon shrugged seriously,

"Well its just that I think. Yoongi is quiet and he doesn't really talk to anyone besides us because he is shy. But he is very intelligent, he'll never lie to you when its something important and he always says what he means, he's exactly the type that bullies hate." Taehyung replied, kicking his brain into high gear. Namjoon considered this argument and nodded. Hoseok spoke up this time,

"I don't really get mad that often, you all know that. But bullies piss me off." His eyes turned cold, this often happened when Hoseok got angry, when he truly meant it. I scooted away from him, so he wouldn't accidentally hit me or something.

"Poor Yoongi" Tears filled Jimin's eyes, his emotions always ran soft when it came to Yoongi, he was very protective over him. Almost like they were dating. I patted the melancholy boy's head, hoping that he wouldn't stay sad for too long, otherwise he would get lost in his thoughts and probably blame himself. And that was never good. 


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