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His parents just couldn't stay out of prison long enough to even pretend to act like real parents. Namjoon didn't really have anyone so he bought his own apartment without his parents knowing and lived there alone. He worked in an assortment of jobs, none of which were what you would call "respectable" . His current one was at a shipping company that sent out black market weapons throughout the country, was he involved with them? No, he was just the delivery boy but it was a dangerous job, it was illegal but he got payed well so none of that really mattered. Namjoon sent a check to his parents every other month and he didn't know what they did with it and he didn't really care. School had just ended that day and like usual, he had just enough time to change and run over to the warehouse. The only person he was afraid of was his current boss who just so happened to be involved with a mafia, Namjoon was very much aware that he could be shot at any second. That fact didn't exactly put him at ease, and there was something about the middle aged man that rubbed him the wrong way. Something was off about him every time he saw him.

"Hey there Joon, boss wants to see ya. Hope you're not...in trouble" The raven haired boy's coworker snickered and sauntered off to do something illegal. Namjoon crept along the dark hallway towards the door with a light shining from under it. He knocked three times, once in the bottom right corner and two in the top left. A quiet 'come in' could be heard.

The office seemed to be a completely different atmosphere compared to the warehouse where all of the employees were. His boss smiled up at him when he saw who had knocked.

"Hello Namjoon! Sit down please."

"Yes, sir" The young boy did as he was told and gingerly placed himself in the hard, wooden chair. He could feel the sweat dripping from his forehead and quickly wiped it with his sleeve.

"Relax kid, you're not in trouble. I wanted to praise you actually" His boss chuckled, an amused grin plastered to his face. Namjoon slid back in his chair a little as his boss leaned forward.

"You're doing a really wonderful job Joon, and I wanted to give you something, now close your eyes..." Once more the boy did as he was told and closed his eyes

Warning ⚠️

Before Namjoon could do anything, his hands were tied to the chair and so were his legs, his eyes shot open only to be met with his boss putting a blind fold over his eyes.

"Sir, what's....what's going on? Why did you blindfold me?!" He started panicking and thrashing around, trying to break out of the bonds, only to realize that the chair was nailed to the floor. There was a brief silence then the sound of the boss' shoes clicking on the wood floor. Then more silence....and then finally the sound of blinds being shut and the door being locked.

"Don't worry. I wanted to give you a...surprise, you'll see" He felt shifting around behind him and then his arms were bound to his sides and he was thrown on the couch in his boss' office. Namjoon tried to scream, but a rough hand was placed over his mouth and then a piece of cloth was shoved in his mouth and tied around his face.

Tears began to rush down Namjoon's face as a harsh slap cracked against his skin. Slowly his clothes were being removed and he felt something being shoved inside of him. That was the last thing he could remember before he passed out from stress, and eventually blood loss.

End of warning

When Namjoon woke up in the hospital the next day, one of his coworkers was sitting in the chair next to him, bright lights shining down on both of their faces.
"What...How..?" He started speaking but couldn't seem to remember anything from a few days prior.
"It doesn't matter now, but you're in the hospital and our boss is in jail. Don't try to sit up or anything. I'll go get the nurse." His colleague smiled sadly and rushed quickly out of the room, leaving the highschool student as confused as ever. He registered the pain in his back and legs but didn't really find anything wrong with himself. A few minutes later, a kind looking woman speeds through the door and checked his vitals before even saying anything.
"Hello, my name is Patricia, and I'll be your nurse today. Do you remember anything about the event?" She asked quickly while pulling about at notebook.
"N-No I don't remember, why? What happened?" Namjoon stuttered.
"Well...You were...raped by your boss, from running tests it seems like you weren't conscious for most of it, thankfully. The doctors have discovered that the assault lasted at least two and a half hours" Tears filled his eyes from the news and he covered his face with his hands. Namjoon's coworker placed his hand on his shoulder comfortingly.
"It seems that there was no trauma to your brain which is great but there were muscles bruised and ripped in your lower half which means you'll be here over the weekend." The nurse solemnly spoke, her soft tone of voice did nothing to sooth the pain and truth of the words.
Sorry about this chapter and the wait

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