Taken too

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„Who are you?", I jelled at the people who took me to the helicopter.
„Let go of me! Where're you taking me?!"
No one replyed until I was in the helicopter. But even then no one really cave me un answer, the only thing they said to me was, that I would be save now and should calm down.
As we flew to wherever they where taking me, I started wondering if they had taken Newt and the others as well.

„Who are you?", I asked again.
„You'll find out eventually."
„So you're not gonna tell me anything?"
„Like I said, you'll find out. Just wait a little longer."
„Why can't you just tell me now?"
The guy just kepped quiet then.
But I heared others saying they didn't knew what to do with me. They said I was diffrent, that I wasn't supposed to be here. That they already had taken a girl, from the maze.

I didn't knew what they were talking about and panicked a little. I just pretended I didn't hear, and kept quiet. I though that that would be the best thing to do.

The Scorch Trials (Fanfiction) | I Was The Second One To Arrive Where stories live. Discover now