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A few days past, and every day I sat in the cafeteria next to Aris. He wasn't just a cover anymore, he had became my friend.
Today we went to the Gladers and went to sit with them. As always a few kids were called to leave to the "save place", as everyone called it.
We didn't knew what it was, only that we didn't want to be called. We didn't knew what that place was. Thomas seemed the most suspicious of all of us.

Then Janson, or as we called him Rat man, started talking : „Alright peolpe, the names of today are, Melissa, Jake, Emma, Alice, Alex, Chris... He called out a few other names, but I wasn't paying that much of attention. We wouldn't be called anyway, we were here only a few days, were others had been here much longer.
Everyone who was called seemed to be happy about it, I knew that I wouldn't be.
„And the last one, Juliane."

Suddenly I woke up again. Did he just?
All the Gladers looked at me, and Newt graped my hand.
„Juliane? You're coming?", Janson asked again.
I looked around, hoping there would be some other girl named Juliane.
„Do you mean me?", I then asked, after a few seconds had past.
„Yes, there isn't an other Juliane. So come on."
„Why do I get to go? I mean the others have been here for much longer. While I've only been here for a few days."
Some others noticed that too, and started jelling that it was unfair. Which actually helped me getting out of it.
„Silence!", Rat man jelled then.
„Get up Juliane. We choose you, we think we found you're group. Don't you wanna see them again?"
I knew that that was a lie, obviously. And I then realized, that I should never trust that guy. Now I had a reason.

After trying a long time, and a few more screams of others, I had finally talked myself out of it. But I knew he would bring it up again.

It was now in the middle of the night, as I suddenly heared some noises. I thought it was Newt, but then Rat man was standing in front of me. And some man pulled me away.

„Hey, have any of you seen Julie?"
„No, isn't she with Aris.", Thomas said.
Aris came to us, but Julie was nowhere around him. I started to panic. What if something has happened to her.

A day past, Julie still missing. But Thomas had found out a lot. We had to get out of here. Luckily we had something incommend. He didn't want to leave without Teresa, and I without Julie. I wouldn't leave without her. Not this time.

We ran throught the building, we had already found Teresa, but Julie was still missing. The alarm went of, and the others were pushing to leave now.
But then I saw her. She was behind some glass, and was sticked to a weird machine.
„Thomas help me!"
Together we broke the glass, and I riped of the machine.
She woke up, looking really tired and weak.
„We have to leave now!"Minho jelled, and helped me carry her.

The Scorch Trials (Fanfiction) | I Was The Second One To Arrive Where stories live. Discover now