First night in the Scorch

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After having ran for a long time, we finally found a place to hide.
It was some old building that had fallen over. Now it kinda looked like a cave.
We decided to stay the night here, and leave as early in the morning as possible.
I was just about to lay down when Newt called me. „Julie, you can sleep here if you want to?", he said, while pointing to a place next to him. I went over to him.
It had been really hot the hole day, but now at night it was freezing cold.
„I'll go fetch a blanket for you.", Newt said to me. „Thanks."
Minho sat next to us, Thomas and the others next to him. Thomas was talking to Teresa, as always.
I hadn't really had the chance to talk to Minho, since the maze.
„Hey, uhm... So how are you doing?", I asked, because nothing else came to mind. He laughed and said :„How am I doing? Did you just really ask that?"
„Well, I didn't really knew what to say. I mean, one of the last time we saw eachother, you tried to..." I stopped and that awkward tense was there again. The same we had in the maze, when he tried to kiss me. I didn't knew he was in love with me.
„Hey, don't worry. I've actually been over you for a long time."
„Why did you never tell me you had feelings for me?"
„How was I supposed to? I mean you were in love with Newt, and Newt was in love with you. And he was my friend, I would never do that to him."
„Then why did you try to kiss me?"
„Well, when I did, I felt horrible. I mean, I thought you weren't in love with him anymore, but I forgot that he was still in love with you."
„You're a good friend, you know."
He smiled, and then Newt already came back with a blanket.
„Here you go.", he said.
„Thank you."
He pulled the blanket around us.
We starred into the sky for a while, but we all decided to go to bed, very quickly.
I lay with my head on Newts chest, and his arms around me. Everyone was already asleep, when I started to talk to him.
„Newt? Are you still awake?"
„Mm, uh, yes, is something wrong?"
„No, I just can't sleep. ... Do you think we can really make it?"
„What do you mean?", he said still a little sleepy. „Make it to the mountains, to the Right Arm, and eventually to the Save Haven. I mean, we barely made it out of the Maze, then that building. It just seems impossible, to go all that way, without, you know... dying."
„You really think we're gonna die?"
„I don't know. But we are out here, in the Scorch with all these Cranks."
„You don't have to worry about that, as long as we are all together, nothing can happen to us."
„...I'm just scared I guess.", I said almost to quiet that I didn't think he could hear me.
„You're scared? You, who fought the Grievers all on her own and servived 2 years in the maze."
„If you say it like that, it sounds rediculous."
He turned my face to him and looked into my eyes.
„Julie, I will never ever leave you alone. When I let you behind in the maze..."
„You didn't leave me behind Newt.", I interrupted him.
„Please, just listen for a moment.
I regretted it so much. I should've run to you. That day I promised myself, that if I would ever get the chance again to be with you, that I would never leave your side. I promise you that Julie. Cause... I love you Julie. I really do."
It was the first time he had ever said that to me. I mean, I had figured that he loved me, but he had never spoken it out loud like that.
I smiled across my hole face, and put my hands around his neck. I then pulled him closer and kissed him.
He pulled back after a few seconds and said :„I was actually really nervous to tell you this."
I laughed a little and said :„Just shut up." And kissed him again.

The Scorch Trials (Fanfiction) | I Was The Second One To Arrive Where stories live. Discover now