A wedding

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They were taking care of Brenda, while we had to wait in a small cave. It was very well hidden, and we felt save. Thomas and Jorge were with Brenda.
„I can't believe we actually made it.", Frypan started talking.
„Me neither, man.", Newt replyed with a smile on his face.
„Hey, does anyone know where Minho is?", I asked.
Frypan got a weird look on his face and started smiling. „Oh, well I think he is uh..." He laughed again. „Enjoying a view."
„A view?"
„Yeah, you know what I mean by that.",waiting for a response of me.
„There's a girl he likes. He asked Aris to introduce him, and he promise me to tell me everything about it tomorrow."
„Really? That was quick.", Newt said.
„Yeah, you know he's been practicing some lines the hole way we walked to here."
We al giggled a little.
Then Newt got up suddenly. „Hey Julie, I've got something for you."
He went over to me and sat down next to me. „Give me your hand and close your eyes."
I did as he said and when I opend them he had put a small ring around my finger.
„Oh Newt, it's beautiful, thank you. Where did you get it from?"
„I found it somewhere in the Scorch. Someone must've lost it, I guess."
„Well thank you, really, I love it.", I said and I gave him a soft kiss.
„Let me see.", Teresa said and she went over to us.
„Wow, it's really beautiful. Looks just like a wedding ring."
„A wedding ring?"
„Yeah, don't you think."
„Yeah mabey. Can you imagine how it would be to get married? I mean, I'm just happy to be alive right now, but with everything going on, I don't even think I'll reach the age to get married."
Newt then suddenly took my hand and got the ring of my hand. He stood up and pulled me then up aswell.
„What are you doing?", I asked confused.
He hold the ring in one hand and went down on one knee.
„Newt, what...", I started but he interrupted me.
„Julie, I know we've been through a lot together and we'll probably go through a lot more. We'll might never have the opportunity to get married. And I know this isn't real, but just so you've been asked once, I'll ask you, will you marry me Julie?"
„Are you serious Newt?"
„Yes, I am. It may seem rediculous, but I'm serious."
„Well, yes, I'll marry you!"
Newt stood up, put the ring around my finger again, and kissed me. It really seemed rediculous, but I didn't really cared.
Everyone else started cheering. Frypan then stood up and said. „Well you're not only gonna ask her are you? Come on, we'll do it properly."
„Frypan, you know this isn't real right?", I answered.
„Why not?", Newt said. „Julie, if we hadn't lived in a world like this, I knew for sure that you would be the person I'll end up marrying."
I looked at him, not quite sure what to say, when Frypan said:„Now you may kiss the bride."
We started laughing a little, when Teresa answered he'd forgotten some stuff, but we kissed anyway.

As we kissed I got that feeling again. A feeling of true happiness. Julie is so beautiful, I couldn't live without her.

We all went outside then and looked at the stars. We all loved it, but Teresa acted a little strange and went of.
I didn't really bother and looked at Julie.
Her eyes sparkled in the moonlight.
I pulled her closer and she looked right into my eyes. I then kissed her and said:„I love you, and I'm not gonna let anything happen to you."

Then Thomas suddenly ran in. „We need to go now!"
„What? What happened?", I asked.
„Teresa, she betrayed us. WCKD is on there way here now, and they're almost
Everyone got up and ran to the others of the Right Arm, we were given a weapon and got in position. Some of WCKD's men were already there and started shouting.
I graped Julie's hand and pulled her behind me. „Newt, I can fight so let me."
„You may can fight Grievers but not bullets."
She got behind me then. A lot of shouting continued, and after some minutes we saw that we weren't gonna make it.

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