Meeting Aris

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As I enterd the cafeteria, I was walking next to that man Janson. He told me to look around and focus, if I recognize anyone. I covered my face, so if Newt was there, he wouldn't see me. Well I hoped he wouldn't.
I looked around and saw him immediately.
I felt so happy that he was here. But I also paniced.
„I don't see anyone, I think I just go sit over there and look from there around a bit.", I said and already walked away, without giving Janson a chanche to interrupted me.

I walked to this guy, who was sitting alone. I didn't think Newt saw me, but I had to come up with a way to tell him, without letting those people notice we knew eachother.

We were all just talking of what happened, trying to get everything in order in our heads, when Rat man walked in. I didn't look up, but for a moment...
„He Newt, focus.", Thomas said.
„He, what? Did you see her too?"
„Who do you mean?"
„Ju... Never mind." He wasn't going to believe me anyway. I had lost her, forever.

I went to sit, in front of this boy.
He looked up and said :„Hi, do I know you?"
„No, but I might need your help. My name is Juliane. What's your name?"
„Mine's Aris. What do you need help for?"
„Do you see those guys over there?"
„You mean the ones next to Thomas?"
„Yes. You know them?"
„Well actually only Thomas."
„Can you give them a message from me?"
„Why don't you just give it them yourself?"
„I don't want these people to know that I know them. I have a feeling that they are not telling us everything.
But could you please do it."
„I may can do something better. Tonight around 7 o'clock I'll come and bring you to them."
„Really. But you know I don't wanna be seen."
„Don't worry. We won't be seen."

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