Brenda and Jorge

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We walked for hours, when it finally became dark again, and the heat was starting to go away. We were now in an open feeld, with absolutely nothing around us. We lay on the ground, and slept. Newt had put his arms around me, I felt save with him.

Then suddenly Thomas woke us all up, a big storm was coming, and thunder hit the ground.
In the distance we saw a building. We started running to it.
„Julie! Come on!", Newt shouted while graping my hand."
Thunder was hitting the ground more and more. Then Minho screamed for a moment but shut up right after. We all looked around and saw that he was hit by lightning.
Thomas and Newt were already on his way towards him, when Newt shouted something to me again :„Julie! Keep running! Run!"
I didn't listen and followed him to help them with Minho.
We dragged him into the building.
„Minho! Come on man, wake up.", Thomas said.
Minho waked up luckily, but we didn't had much time to recover from the shock.

Because around us were a bunch of Cranks, suddenly coming from the dark. We were surrounded by them, and thought that this was it.
I ran to Newt's side.
The Cranks were reaching for us, but couldn't come closer as they already were.
The were lined up around there necks to the walls.
„What the klunk is going on?"

Then a door opend and a girl entered.
She walked through the Cranks, who still couldn't come closer, which made a small path apear, were you could walk without being touched.
She was around our age, and looked really confident. „Well, what do we have here?", she said.

„Who are you?", Thomas said.
„Brenda. Follow me, I'll introduce you to Jorge."
She already turned around and said :„Unless you wanna stay with them."
We hesitated at first but followed her anyway. We didn't have much of a choice.
„Stay close to me.", Newt said, before we walked after her.

We walked into a room, Brenda sat down on a couch, while a man (probably Jorge) came up to us.
„So, who are you?", he said.
Thomas was the one talking to the guy.
I looked around, looking for a way out. I didn't trust these people at all. I noticed that more people were coming, surrounding us.
„So, you're Munies.", Jorge said, taking me out of my thoughts.
„Take them!"

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