The building

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We ended up running for a long time through the Scorch, until Teresa took us to some old building for shelter.
„Here, we can go here!"
„Teresa wait!", Thomas shouted.
When we were finally inside, after running as hard as we could through the sand, we finally had a moment to catch our breath.
Suddenly I felt two arms around me, of course it was Newt.
He hold me very tide, and didn't let go of me anymore. I looked into his eyes, and leaned in for a kiss.
„Guys?! Seriously? We were almost coughed.", it was Minho again. I was happy that he hadn't chanched a bit.
Newt and I both smiled and walked to the others.
„So what are we gonna do now?", Winton asked.
„Well, I say Thomas is in charge. I mean he had the plan of leaving. You have a plan right?", Newt said then.
„Well, uh...", he replyed.
„Wait, we followed you out here, Tommy. And now you're saying that you have no idea where we're going or what we're doing."
„Well,... I think that we just have to go to the Mountains."
„Mountains?", I asked.
„Yes, that's where the Right Arm is. I think we have to go there. That's now the only thing we can do, right ? Or does anyone has a better idea?"
„Can't believe our only option are the mountain people.", Newt said.
„Alright then, it's settled. We're going to the mountains.", Minho said.
„But we can't leave like this. We don't have any food and our clothes are ripped and all.", Teresa said then.
Newt told us then :„ Well, I say we'll explore this place. And if it is save, we'll stay the night here."

We spread up in small groups, I was with Teresa and Newt with Frypan. But I quickly realized that Newt was keeping an eye on me the hole time.
„Hey, what do you got there?", I asked Teresa, when she suddenly sat down and looked at something.
I went and sat next to her.
„Oh, it's just a picture I found. There's a family on in, with a little girl."
„You think they lived in this place?"
„I don't know, it's not that important anymore, I guess. It just reminded me of what my family had looked like."
For a moment we just sat still looking at the picture. But we started looking for clothes soon after that.

„Hey, Juliane, I found some."
I went over, and we chanched our clothes. There were only some t-shirts, tops and jackets, but it was enough for now.
We decided to take the rest to the boys.
We had also found a bag, where we had put everything in.

We spread up in small groups. I was with Frypan. Soon the girls had found some clothes, but I didn't want to go on. I wantad to be near Julie, the hole time, just in  case anything happened.
So we were waiting, then I noticed that they were starting to change theire clothes. So I looked away to give them some privacy.
But Frypan didn't.
„Hey Fry. What are you looking at?", I said while I pulled his face slowly away. When he saw me, he said :„Come on man, I wasn't staring or something."
„Yes you were.", I said, laughing at him a little.
„Well I wasn't the only one. I saw you staring just as much. It may be your girlfriend up there, but the other one isn't. So don't blame me alone, alright." he said, a little bit with sarcasm in his tone.
„Alright, lets just go."

We had brought the clothes to the guys, and talked about our plan. Everyone was here, except for Thomas and Minho.
Suddenly we heared screams. It was definitely them.
„Run! Run! Run!", they both shouted.
We just stared for a moment in their direction, not knowing what was happening. But when we saw what was following them, we all ran as fast as we possibly could.
Those people looked just like the once, when I came out of the helicopter. Were those Cranks? I didn't want to stick around and ask them, so I ran for my life.

After a while when Thomas and Minho had already catched up, Newt was suddenly attacked by one of those Cranks.
„Newt!" I ran to him, but Teresa hold me back.
Minho and Thomas were already at his side, and through the Crank down of some balcony. We didn't had a moment to go to eachother, because the others were pulling us forward.

I heared the Cranks come closer, when I was suddenly attacked by one.
I saw Julie ranning to me, but luckily Teresa hold her back.
Minho and Thomas help me.
„You're alright Newt?", Thomas asked after they had thrown down the Crank.
„Yeah, come on, ...we have to go."
We didn't have time to calm down for a moment and ran ferder.

The Scorch Trials (Fanfiction) | I Was The Second One To Arrive Where stories live. Discover now