Another Glader gone

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Today we woke up early. We were hadding to the mountains.
Newt graped my hand and we walked together through the Scorch. Thomas was next to Teresa, and Frypan next to Winston and some others.
We had noticed that a few Gladers were cought by some Cranks. I didn't knew them, which kinda made me feel guilty.
We had big troubles with the sand dunes, we kept slipping down again.
When we finally reached the top, Thomas started talking:„Guys, we're almost there!" We were all very relieved and started cheering, when suddenly Winston fell down the dune.
„Winston!", many of us shouted.
Minho, Thomas and Frypan were the first reaching him.
„Winton? Wake up man!", Minho said.
„Minho, lift up his shirt.", I said.
Minho did as I told.
„He's got the Flare."
„What do we do now?", Teresa asked.
„We'll carry him, take him with us, until... until he's fully gone.", Newt said.
„Then what?", Teresa asked again.
„...Come on. We have to keep going. Frypan and Minho, you start carrying him, we release you after 30 minutes.", Newt said, without answering Teresa's question. But I knew why. We would have to kill him, when the time would come.

After a few more hours walking, we stopped for the night again. It was still extremely hot, and we found some shelter under some rocks, from a building. It didn't seem like Cranks would be around here, it was to open for that. Newt and Thomas, lay down Winston. I had been walking next to Teresa, and we had talked about the guys. It felt good, talking to a girl for once. The guys spread up for a moment, looking around if it was really save, while we stayed with Winston. He was sleeping, so I felt like I could talk openly to Teresa again.
„So, what is going on with Thomas?", I asked with a smile on my face. I had a feeling that she was in love with him.
„Thomas? Oh please Juliane, stop bringing that up, will ya?", she said, starting to blush.
„You don't wanna know how often I used to say that to Alby.", I first say it with a smile on my face, but it vanished when I thought about what had happen. After disappearing in the maze, I never saw him again.
„I wish that I had known him better.", Teresa started talking again.
„What was he like? I mean, I wanna know if he chanched much after I left."
„Well, I obviously don't know what he was like before, but when I arrived he was first very carry, he made sure non of the guys would do something to me. But after some time he got suspicious, blamed me for everything that was going on."
„Why did he do that?"
„Don't know.", was all she said.
„I think the guys are coming back."
Teresa looked around and saw them too now.
„You better stop blushing.", I said smiling again.
„Juliane! Please don't bring it up again, especially when Thomas is around. I don't want anyone to find out, that I'm in love with him."
„You girls do realize that I can hear everything you say, right?", Winston suddenly said.
But before we could say anything the boys came in.
„It's all save.", Minho said.
„How's Winston doing?", Frypan asked.
„Still the same.", I replyed.

It was getting dark and we all sat around a campfire.
„I never thought I would say this, but I really miss the glade.", Frypan said then suddenly.
No one really answered. We just kept staring at the campfire and fell asleep eventually.

The next morning, Winston was doing worse. „Guys you can't take me with you anymore. I want you to... to leave me here."
„No way!", Frypan said.
„Please... just do it. I want it."
After some time considering, we all said goodbye to him.
Only Newt, Thomas and I were left.
Newt graped a pistol and gave it to Winston. I kneeled down and sat next to him. „Winston, take care of yourself.", I said. And I gave him a little kiss on his forehead.
„I will. And it's good to know, that I will die, after a girl has kissed me.", he said laughing again.
I had tears in my eyes, but still laughed a little.
I went to the others, while Newt and Thomas said goodbye.

We walked on top of a dune, when we suddenly heared a gun shot. We all stoped for a moment, knowing what it meant. Realizing that he was truly gone now. Another Glader was gone.

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