Once again

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I heard a weird noise and then Aris stand suddenly in my room.
„You coming?", he asked, proud of the way he made his entrens.

„We're almost there."
I couldn't wait any much longer.

„What the ...?", Minho said when a strang boy came in.
„Aris? What are you doing here?", Thomas asked.
„I've got a suprise for the blond guy there.", he said while pointing at Newt.
„What do you mean?", I replyed.

Then I saw her. I couldn't believe my eyes. I thought that I was dreaming, it couldn't be real.
I had seen how the doors closed, how did she...?
But before I could continue asking myself questions or say anything, she had already put her lips on mine.

I walked straight to him. Put my hands around his neck and pulled him close. Then I pressed my lips on his.
First gently, but then with more passion. Just like our first, and well last kiss in the maze. He pulled me back a little and looked into my eyes.

She was actually standing there, in my arms, right in front of me.
„How did you?"
I couldn't finish my question, as she cut me of with :„I'll explain everything to you. But first, ...I love you Newt." And she kissed me again.
„Come on guys, not again. Newt, come on she needs her mouth to talk.", Minho said then, interrupting us again.
I let go of her and said to Minho :„Alright, I'll let her talk right now."

I had a huge smile on my face, when he said that.
„Alright then Julie, you can talk now.", he said. But he gave me one last quick kiss.
„Uhm... well it's a long story."

I told them the whole story, of how Dan had helped me to get out, and how I felt about this place. Thomas agreed the most to the part, of not trusting them.
We talked for more than an houre. But then Aris told me, that we had to leave.
Newt looked at me once again, and gave me a soft kiss. „Hope I'll see you again soon."
„You will, I promise.", I said back.

That night, when I lay in bed, I could only think of him.

The Scorch Trials (Fanfiction) | I Was The Second One To Arrive Where stories live. Discover now