Part 1

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A/N: sorry about the last chapter being so short.

Izuku POV

I woke up in the middle of the night to a horrible feeling in my stomach. It felt as if it was getting crushed.

"Gah!" I groaned, "What's happening?" I noticed my voice seemed slightly higher than normal. I just wanted it to stop.

It didn't.

The feeling spread to my legs. It made an audible cracking noise as they changed shape. It went to my butt now. I felt it expand and widen, along with my hips.  I knew what was happening now.

As my "member" slowly sunk into my crotch, I realized something. This felt good. Really good. Mixed in with the pain was a strong sense of pleasure.

"Ohh..." I moaned as my penis was replaced. I then felt pressure build up inside my chest.

"WAHHH!" I yelled as 2 d-cup mounds burst from my chest. It was almost over. I felt my face seem to shrink and round off to fit my new "look". Finally, my hair stretched out of my scalp (painfully I might add) until it reached my back. It was over. I was a busty teenage girl with curly green hair. How could this possibly be any worse?

"Izuku! Is everything okay sweetie?" Called my mom. Oh. That's how it can get worse.

"I'm okay!" I answered nervously, "just fell off of my bed!" I crossed my fingers hoping she wouldn't come in.

"Hm, you sound sick," replied my mom, " let me take your temperature."

"WAIT NO DON'T COME IN I'M OKAY I SWEAR!" I screamed. But it was too late.

"Izuku, are you sure that you're-" she stopped as she took a look at my feminine form. She seemed speechless.

"Izuku, wha-? How?" She asked. There was a little bit of fear and worry in her eyes, but I also saw a bit of excitement. Was she happy about this?

"I don't know!" I yelled. "I just woke up and turned into this!" I started to bawl as the impact of this hit me. What were my friends going to think? Is my mind going to change to? Was I going to start to like guys? These thoughts just came out as incoherent mumbling as I cried my eyes out.

"Aw, my poor baby," my mom said to me as if I were a child. "It's okay. Being a girl isn't that bad." The way she said it made it seem like she already gave up on turning me back.

"But Mom! I don't want to be a girl!" I whined. I just hoped we could fix it before I had to see my friends again.

"Hmph. Okay, tomorrow we can decide on wether or not you can (and want) to switch back." She seemed... disappointed? Did she like having a daughter? "Tonight, however, you need rest, you had a long day today and will most likely have another one tomorrow. Go to sleep and decide on if you want to change back." She was being very weird about this.

"Of course I want to change back Mom!" I shouted. "And you're probably right, I do need sleep."

"Well then, goodnight, I'll see you tomorrow." She bid goodbye. She seemed way too calm about this.

"Yeah, goodnight," I plopped into my bed and sank into a troubled sleep.

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