Part 9

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Izuku POV

He launched a massive glacier of ice at me, but I had a plan. I did a small flick with my fingers. I felt the pain ripple through my arm, but it wasn't too bad. The massive shockwave went through the air and shattered the wall of ice.

"What are you doing?" Yelled Shoto. "You're hurting yourself just to try and win?"

"Yes, I am." I replied. "Cause I don't feel like losing."

He launched another wall, and I smashed it. 8 fingers left. 7. 6. He wasn't giving up and I was running out of options.

Then I saw it. He was already tired. He was breathing heavily. Had he used up all of his energy?

He launched another wall, and I used my already broken finger?

"Are you crazy? With your broken finger?" He was slightly concerned.

"I'm not crazy, just determined." I had an idea. An idea that would hurt me. A lot. But it would release a huge weight from my boyfriend's shoulders. "If you want me to stop, then use your father's power! If I lose, I can't hurt myself anymore!" He stopped in his tracks.

"No! I can't! My father is awful. He doesn't deserve to know that the only reason I won was because of him!"

"You wouldn't win because of him! It's your power! Not his." I launched another blast. And another. I had no fingers left to use. "The only way to beat me is if you use your left side! You haven't laid a scratch on me!"

"RRRAGHH!" He was incredibly mad at me. "STOP HURTING YOURSELF LIKE THAT!" There was a blinding flash of light. When I could see again, his left side was ablaze. He launched a massive wave of fire at me.

I tried to dodge it, but I was still unfamiliar with my new body, even though Shoto had helped me 'explore' it. I ended up falling on my face. Then the wave of fire hit. It was like the opposite of the sex we have. Instead of pleasure, pain rippled throughout my entire body. No area was left unscathed.

I managed to stand up. "Give up!" He yelled. "I don't want to hurt you any more!"

"I won't give up until I'm lying on the floor unconscious!"

"You're forcing my hand here, so I have no choice." The flame on his arm got much bigger. He started to run towards me, reeling back his fist to punch me.

"One for all: 100%! DETROIT SLAM!!!" Our fists collided in the air, and that was the last thing I remember.

A/N: Sorry for short chapter. This was as much as I could fill in if I still wanted to leave it on a cliffhanger.

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