Part 10

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Izuku POV

As I came too, I saw a figure leaning over me. When my vision focused, I saw that it was Shoto! And he was...crying? Why was he crying?

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry." He cried. "I was so determined to win. I should have held back..."

"Ugnnn..." I groaned. "What happened?"

"Eh- YOU'RE AWAKE!" He wrapped himself around me as his tears changed from sadness to joy. "Thank god! I thought you were gone! I'm so sorry!"

"What do you mean?" I was a little worried. What happened? "How long have I been out?"

"It's been 2 months!" He held me tighter as I tried to let that sink in. "Recovery Girl said you wouldn't wake up. I over did it. I'm so sorry!" This hit me at once. All of my friends thought I was dead, and they all were blaming Shoto. I was the one that pushed him too far.

"Awww, baby," I murmured. "It's not you're fault, don't blame yourself. I was the one that pushed you. I should be apologizing to you." I realized that he had been the one to do this. I didn't care, but my classmates would. "How's everybody treating you?"

"Not good. They've stopped talking to me. They blame me for what happened, and I can't blame them. But they all hate me." That made me more sad then I ever thought possible. I was pushing him so that he could get a weight off of his shoulders, but instead I ended up just making it worse.

"I'm so sorry. How are they taking it? Me being in a coma, that is."

"The class has got this weird dark aura around it. It's like with you gone, nothing  is stopping sadness from coming in."

"How are they taking me being stuck?"

"Well, I don't exactly know. Recovery Girl just told the class. When the news came, I couldn't take it. I just ran out of the class."

Flashback: Shoto POV

"I... I don't quite know how to say this..." Recovery Girl was in our class. She had news about Izuku. "She's gone. We don't think she'll ever wake up again."

Everybody in the class looked at me. "How could you?!" I heard from across the room.

"You killed her!"

Uraraka was a crying mess. Iida seemed to be in shock. Bakagou was trying to hold his feelings back, but I could see tears dripping down his face.

"I'm sorry!" I yelled. "I didn't mean too! I was just trying to win, and I got carried away!" I started to cry.

"Sorry doesn't help it! She's gone!"

I couldn't take it. I ran out of the class, half-blinded by tears. I wanted to say goodbye.

Back to now: Izuku POV

"Well, if the class is waiting, let's go." I was trying to stay happy, even though I felt awful about this.

"Yeah, let's go."

When I tried to stand up, my legs gave out. Probably because I hadn't used them in 2 months.

"Whoa!!" Luckily, Shoto was there to catch me.

"Hey, I gotcha, don't worry."

"Thanks," I rested my head on his chest. "I love you."

"I love you too."

We decided that Shoto would walk in first. For dramatic effect, of course.

"Well if it isn't Mr. Murderer!" Bakagou yelled from across the room. Shoto slumped into his seat.

"Bakagou, don't be a total ass," I said as I walked through the door.

For a second, nobody thought anything of me walking into class. Then it seemed to register.  They all ran up to me. Even Kachaan.

"You're awake!"

"Thank god you're okay!"

"What happened?"

I wasn't really focusing on anybody's questions. I was just trying to hug everybody who walked up to me.

"I don't really know what happened. I just woke up when Shoto came."

"So it was kind of like true love's kiss!" Uraraka was ecstatic.

"Yeah, but without the kiss part."

"Awwwww." That came from everyone in the room.

Even Mr. Aisawa was happy. "Gotta admit kid, this place is pretty boring and sad without you. It's good to have you back."

"Thanks, But I have something to say." I turned towards the rest of the class. "It's not Shoto's fault that this happened to me. I pushed him. You shouldn't be mad at him. It's my fault."

The class was weirdly accepting. I thought they would still be mad at him, but they forgave him. After that, class went back to normal. Nothing sad (except the stuff in the cannon) happened after. One thing was true with everything that happened. Shoto Todoroki is not responsible for what happened, and I love him more than anything else in the world.

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