Part 3

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Izuku POV

It's the start of the next day after I was told my transformation was permanent. It was the day that I had to go to school.

"Are you ready Izuku?" My Moms upbeat voice made it sound like I never was a man.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I just wanted to stay home, but I knew I would have to face this at some point. " I'll have to get this over with at some point."

Time skip*

I was standing in front of my home room door, in my tight girls uniform I might add. It's not that hard, just walk through the door and sit in my seat. Just like every other day. I managed to convince myself that it was a normal day, and that they would be fine with  what I was.

They were of course, shocked.

"Hey, who's the new girl?" Asked Uraraka. "Wait..." she walked over, sizing me up. "IZUKU?! What happened to you?!" My face turned red.

"That's not Izuku" I heard from across the room. "Are you?" They asked.

"Yeah..." I responded. I heard tons of screams and shouts from across the room.

"Everyone, CALM DOWN!" Tenya Iida's voice cut through the air. He turned to face me. "As class rep (and personal friend) I command you to tell us what happened!" He's kind of cute when he's shouting. Whoa, where did that come from?

"Well, I don't really know..." I responded. "There was this villain at the USJ, and he flashed a weird light in my face, and then I woke up as a girl!"

"Yaaayyyy!" Yelled Uraraka. "I get a new girlfriend! And judging by that hair you need some guidance!" She said pointing to my hair. "You should just be happy that Bakagou isn't here today, that would be a nightmare." I look around the room and see that he isn't here.

"Yeah...EEP!" I shouted as I felt something on my leg. I looked down and saw Mineta looking up my skirt. I was about to say something as Aisawa walked through the door.

"Alright get in your seats. Midoriya I know what happened don't bother asking." Well that answers my question that I wanted to ask.

As I sulked to my seat while Mr Aisawa was taking attendance, Todoroki leans in. "You look really cute as a girl." My heart stops as I turn beet red.

"Th-Thank y-you," I stammer. "Y-You also look good,T-Todoroki." That wasn't an understatement. I don't know if it was something about the situation or just lighting but he looked... really hot. Like sexy. The way he was so confident but strong, he was so- GAH! I got to stop thinking like that.

"Midoriya, get to your seat, I shouldn't have to tell you twice." Right. I slump in my seat thinking about what Todoroki said, and about what I thought about after. If I wanted to end this day with my dignity, I would have to resist these "feelings" until I got home.

Uraraka POV

I see Izuku talking to Todoroki.

"You look really cute as a girl," said Todoroki. Izuku goes beet red. Hmm, she definitely likes him. They do look cute together. I ship it, but I have to find a way to get them together. I've got it! This is gonna be easy, just gotta wait till lunch to get started. This will be fun!

Time skip to lunch A/N:Sorry about briefly uploading the story for a second. It wasn't ready and I accidentally hit the publish button. Sorry!

Izuku POV

I was sitting with the normal guys, Uraraka and Iida, as Uraraka asked a question.

"So, what do you think of being a girl?" She asked.

"It's okay, but I haven't really spent enough time as one to get a good impression." I responded. "It is really weird walking without my "thing" down there. And my back hurts a lot because of these things on my chest. And-"

"You're rambling again," Uraraka's words snapped me out of my thought. "And you're scaring Iida" she gestures to him, showing his incredible discomfort at the things I said.

"S-Sorry, got a little carried away," I replied. " I'm just still in a little shock."

"Hm, do you know what I think we all need?" Uraraka said, breaking the last conversation. I think we need some time to relax as a group. Let's go to the mall! Yeah! We can go after school tomorrow."

"Sounds fun." Replied Iida.

"Yeah it will, that's why I thought of it." Replied Uraraka. "Hey Izuku, can you invite Shoto? He seems a little lonely and could definitely use a little time with actual humans, not just himself."

"Y-Yeah, sure." I stammer, remembering the last time I talked to him. I stand up and start to walk over to him. "Hey Shoto, do you want to come with me and Uraraka and Iida to the mall tomorrow?"

"Yeah, sure." Well, that was way easier than I thought it would be.

"Great, see you after school!" I said as I walked away.

Uraraka POV

"Hey Tenya, you want to get those two together?" I ask. I doubt it will go well, but I would rather do this the easy way.

"WHAT?! Doesn't that seem a little mean? She may look fine, but we don't know what she's going through!" That's pretty much what I was expecting.

"True, but it'll be easier for her to get through it if she has someone by her side, right?"

"True.." he seemed deep in thought. "How are we gonna do it?"

"Glad to see you've come around. Let's talk after school..."

*is unbeatable

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