Chapter 12: Battle

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I jolt awake, startling Nightstar as the ship slowly comes to a stop. I must've dozed off or at least zoned out. Outside our trap, I can hear dragons roaring and explosions going off. Drago's voice barks orders to his men.

I hug Nightstar's neck, suddenly feeling even more anxious. We're actually going to be fighting in a war, and war means death; I know that all too well. Still, the idea of losing my best friend scares me more than I'd ever like to admit.

"I love you," I whisper.

She growls lovingly and nuzzles my hair. "I love you too."

"Ready the traps!" Drago bellows.

I climb onto her back, my breaths slow and my heart racing. I have no doubt that hers is doing the same.

I listen as the first set of traps is sprung open. The wailing of the trapped bait dragons inside rings out into the chilly air. The second set of traps is cocked open, revealing us to be on a snowy beach before a large icy spire of a mountain.

Instead of dragon cries emitting from our traps, Zippleback gas seeps out followed by an explosion. The twins rocket out of their trap, riding Barf and Belch.

"Surprise! Yeah!" Tuffnut whoops.

"WHAT?!" Drago screeches.

Nightstar leaps from our trap, shooting a blast of plasma into the air. Her banshee like screech echoes across the battlefield, announcing the presence of the dark dragon. Every type of dragon fighting in the sky seems to become even more determined and confident at the call of the Night Fury.

The others emerge, bursting out of the traps atop Meatlug and Hookfang. Eret comes flying out last aboard Stormfly. He struggles to hold on as she rejoins Astrid; who's riding Meatlug, along with Fishlegs. He gives us a sheepish shrug. Astrid leaps onto Stormfly, steadying them easily.

"Let's go!" she calls.

"Time to do what Vikings do best!" I yell.

"Dragon riders coming through!" Tuffnut shouts.

Together, we dive-bomb the traps, setting them aflame. The yokes and leather bindings restraining the bait dragons are incinerated, freeing them to fly away unharmed.

"CUT THEM DOWN!" Drago commands.

Projectiles are launched, one of which knocks Ruffnut off her dragon. She plummets past Eret toward the rocky shore below. She screams for help before suddenly being grabbed by both of her arms before hitting the rocks. She looks up to see Snotlout and Fishlegs on either side of her.

Above us, more catapults fire, bringing down massive spires of ice. Nightstar and I dodge them expertly, shooting blasts of white hot flame at the traps that are still standing. The lagoon seems to emanate roars and blasts and smashing ice sounds.

Suddenly, a blast of flame hits Nightstar, knocking her off course. She collapses to the ground, both of us immediately being surrounded by a net. Soldiers move in, weapons ready. I struggle for my knife, cur

A familiar blast of plasma smashes the netting cannon, knocking it on its side. I look towards the harbinger of the blast, only catching a glimpse of a second black dragon before Stoick chops the trigger line and nets the soldiers. He races over to me, cutting the net away and helping my dragon and I up.

"Thanks Chief." I salute.

"Go fight for our dragons," he orders, a kind light in his eyes.

I take off into the sky with Nightstar, both Night Furies letting out their battle cries. We meet up with Toothless and Hiccup halfway, both males giving us big smiles. Astrid and Eret zoom past on Stormfly as we keep flying.

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