Chapter 5.5: Halo?

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[Special condition for Dungeon have been activated]

I jolted awake and stared at the screen 'What is the special condition?' I asked

[You must Compete Halo 1-5 on LEGENDARY mode]

My eyes widen with shock before I smirked "Bring it."

I hear explosions and gunfire shaking the ship'Well here we go.'

(3 days later) ((A/N: time is stopped in the real world when this was happening))

I stare up at a black void with white word scrolling above my head. " Finally, I'm finished"

[Special condition for Halo 1-5 on LEGENDARY mode has been competed]

Reward: 400,305 EXP

New titles and skills/passives gained :

Race: Enhanced Human: The user's physical and mental abilities are above natural members of their species in that verse, beyond what can be emulated via natural training and with little to no maintaining. This entails that they are faster, stronger, more intelligent and overall superior to fellow members of their species. 100% boost to combat speed, Damage, processing power, precision and 50% reduced to damage taken. Increasing all Stats by 200)

[Title: Hyper Lethal: 150% boost to combat speed, Damage, processing power, precision and 35% reduced to damage taken]

[Body Language Analysis: Level Max] (Passive): The user can intuitively read others' body language, allowing them to anticipate their actions and respond accordingly permanent 10 points to DEX, INT, and WIS]

[Enhanced Combat: Level Max] (Passive): The ability to possess enhanced levels of hand-to-hand fighting skills and excels in various forms of combat 20% increase to combat speed and damage by permanent 15 points to STR, VIT, and DEX]

[Accelerated Development: Level Max] (Passive): User can improve their natural abilities far faster and to greater extent or beyond the limitations of other members of their species. This applies at a genetic level, allowing the body to keep up with the users own rapidly developing skills/physical attributes, and at an intellectual level, to which their mind/mental capabilities can develop beyond their normal limits. Users with spiritual and/or magical powers benefit the same way. As a result, user can (eventually) benefit from training that would otherwise cripple or kill a normal human being in 30% increase to all EXP and 15 points all stats]

[Healing Factor: level Max] (Passive): The user can rapidly regenerate. In other words, they recreate lost or damaged tissues, organs and limbs. Maxes out HPR and MPR while permanent increasing STR, DEX and VIT stats by 100[You have complete control over your healing Factor by sheer willpower you can turn this skill off for a limited amount of time]

'Well at least I got the healing factor added with Natsuki-chan's healing I will heal faster.'

[Combat Adaptation (passive) lvl MAX: User's fighting style and abilities adapt automatically to be equal or superior to opponents style of fighting, whether armed or unarmed, making an opponent's attacks useless after the first few strikes.20% increase to combat speed and damage by permanent 55 points to INT, WIS, and LUCK.]

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