Chapter three

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"You're definitely not Chat Noir." Marinette took a step back.

"What gave it away?" Responded an accented voice. "Is it the suit?!"

"For starters, red isn't his colour." Marinette replied warily. The person who was definitely-not-Chat-Noir wore a red suit that covered his entire body. Thin dark lines were scrawled along him resembling a spider's web. Parts of his suit were highlighted with blues and golds and a symbol resembling a spider was on his chest, it's legs extending over his shoulders.

"Really?" He replied, "Red is quite a great colour, I think. You're wearing it. You've got good taste!" The white eyes on his mask narrowed and shrunk as he spoke- The suit also stretched over his face, the only thing portraying emotion was the two white eyes that would narrow into slits every so often. The whole suit had a metallic look to it, as if it were made of some sort of metal rather than the spandex-latex material of Ladybug and Chat Noir's suits, but unlike a suit of armour he seemed to be able to move as freely as Marinette could in her own suit.

"I'm sure I do." Marinette replied. "Who are you, exactly?"

"Me?! I'm Spider-man!" He exclaimed. "You've never heard of me?"

Marinette formed a small 'o' with her mouth. "Oh. You're that superhero. From America. The one in all the YouTube videos?"

"Yeah! So you do know me!" He stuck his thumb up and placed it on his chest as if pointing to himself. "So you're Ladybug?" Spider-man asked.

"That is correct. You know who I am?" Marinette responded.

"Yeah! Of course. Everyone knows who Ladybug is!" Marinette could almost hear him grinning. "Especially when you have such great taste!" Somehow during their meaningless chatter, he had made his way over to Marinette and was now nudging her arm with his elbow. Is he flirting with me? Marinette thought. Well, it wouldn't be much of a change from Chat Noir. She mused.

She also, during their meaningless chatter, hadn't noticed the dragon (yes, the dragon was not forgotten) making its way over to her. She also didn't notice the car that was thrown towards them.

"Ladybug! Look out!" She was knocked to the ground by Chat Noir- who had finally reappeared, and she saw Spider-man catch the car with little effort before dropping it onto the road next to the building they were on.

"Thanks Chat Noir." She said as she got to her feet, "I didn't see that coming."

"I noticed. It seemed you were distracted." Chat Noir narrowed his eyes. "Is this another one of your superhero friends? Like Rena Rouge?"

"I have no idea who Rena Rouge is." Spider-man offered, "and I just met your friend here, so I think the answer is no. But I'd like to be friends!" He held his hand out to Chat Noir, and Marinette could hear the grin in his accented voice again. "I'm Spider-man. I presume you're Chat Noir?"

At the mention of Spider-man, Chat Noir's expression changed from jealous suspicion to amusement. "Oh," He laughed, "You're the one in the YouTube videos." They shook hands, the tension in the air disappearing.

Ladybug threw her yo-yo in the air. "Lucky Charm!" she yelled, receiving a very, very long chain.

Ladybug turned her attention back to the dragon who was currently smashing every house around it. As she looked over the chains on the dragon and in her hands again, an idea formed in her mind. "Chat Noir?" She asked, "Do you know if Cataclysm affects all of one material if it's touching?"

"Huh?" Chat Noir echoed.

"If all the chains on the dragon are touching one another and you use Cataclysm do you think they will all be affected by Cataclysm?"

"I think so," Chat Noir nodded.

"Okay," Marinette said, the plan becoming more clear. "Chat Noir. Can you go and connect all the chains on the dragon with these." She held up the chains in her hands and Chat Noir nodded with a grin.

"And me?" Spider-man asked from behind Marinette.

"I didn't forget you. Marinette said. "You can shoot webs, right? Can you use that the secure the dragon and keep it relatively still?"

"Okay." He nodded.

"I'm going to go and de-transform as it's going to take us longer than five minutes." Marinette said, preparing to jump off the building to hide.

"De-transform?" Spider-man echoed.

"Don't you have a miraculous?" Chat Noir asked.

"No. What is that?" He responded.

"It's what we get our powers from." Chat Noir explained. "Apart from strength and speed, Ladybug and I also get a special power, but when we use it we have five minutes until we de-transform."

"Oh, okay." Spider-man responded, "I was just bitten by a radio-active spider. I don't have a special anything. I mean, I don't have anything special."

Marinette handed the chains off to Chat Noir. "I'll be back in a few minutes." She said, waving to both of them. She watched them both go towards the dragon and she leapt off the building, ducking into an alleyway as she de-transformed.


By the time Marinette made it back to the dragon, Chat Noir and Spider-man were sitting on top, enjoying a conversation together. Marinette laughed as she saw the dragon lying on the ground, looking very much defeated. Webs were in placed along it's legs and tail, and also along its snout to keep the jaws closed. Chat Noir and Spider-man were waiting patiently, and Chat Noir had finished his job of linking all the chains together. It was an amusing sight.

"Hey guys." She said as she landed on the dragon. The 'ground' moved slightly beneath her feet.

"The webs probably aren't going to hold for too long." Spider-man said as he and Chat Noir got to their feet.

"Okay." Marinette responded. "Chat Noir, use your Cataclysm now."

Chat Noir nodded. "Cataclysm!" He yelled, placing his hand on one of the decorative chains on the dragon. The chain crumbled beneath his hand, the corroded blackness spreading along the chain until it reached the chains that Marinette had received, and-

"It's working!" Exclaimed Spider-man, his voice growing high-pitched and giddy like a child. As all the chains were now connected, they all disappeared, crumbling to ash. However, no Akuma was in sight.

Marinette heard a clink of something landing on the ground and her eyes were drawn to a large gem near the dragon.

Spider-man, presumably following her gaze, was already ahead of her. He pressed the middle fingers to a button on his palm, and shot out a web, snagging the gem and bringing it closer. He put it on the 'ground', smashing it with his foot and the Akuma fluttered out.

Marinette captured the Akuma with her yo-yo and released it. A white butterfly flew out and Spider-man watched it leave.

"Miraculous Ladybug!" Marinette yelled, throwing her yo-yo in the air. The damage caused by the dragon was immediately undone, and the dragon disappeared. However they didn't see who- or what, was Akumatised as they disappeared. Marinette, Chat Noir and Spider-man all landed on the ground and people began to emerge from their buildings, all starting to cheer at the success of the superheroes.

"I should go now." Chat Noir grinned, gesturing to his ring. "See you later!" He leapt away, jumping onto a nearby building and making his way into the distance.

Spider-man began to answer questions shot at him by the curious crowd and Marinette decided to leave as well, waving a brief goodbye to her new friend and heading towards her house.

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