Chapter twenty

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As he quickly made his way to the balcony, Peter glanced at the yoyo in his had. Oh shoot. He thought, I forgot to ask the,,, Kwami,, to explain my powers. He turned it over in his hand. Ah well, I'll just ask Marinette to completely fill me in later. Shouldn't be too complicated, right? It's just one power, and I saw it being used earlier.

Closing the door behind him, Peter jumped off the balcony and threw out the yoyo. It wrapped around a street light and he swung to the air. He narrowed his eyes and in the distance he could just barely see a few figures starting to surround a larger, kangaroo-like silhouette. Here we go. He thought.

A variety of thoughts flickered through his mind as he swung towards the 'battlefield'. The thought of his friends from school crossed his mind and he frowned, remembering everyone at school had seemed to be turning on him. But then again, he could have just been over-reacting. Flash was just provoking them. He thought. There's always a reason for him to try to undermine me. The only person who had seemed to not believe Flash had been Michelle. Even Marinette had seemed to believe him. He would've thought that Ladybug herself would be able to tell lies from truth. His irritated thoughts then started to dissolve and he wondered how much Marinette enjoyed swinging around. Does she ever go out for fun? Would she ever want to go out swinging for fun sometime? I think that'd be cool. Swinging is cool. Marinette is cool. He smiled. And so is Michelle. They're both pretty cool. I wonder if they think I'm cool?

He landed onto the rooftop behind the other figures, locking eyes with Switcheroo. She was leaning against some sort of.. pole? Looking all smug-like.

Here they were. Six heroes facing off against her. All this for one Akuma? Her powers didn't seem that dangerous. The two heroes he hadn't met yet turned to face him. The guy on the left wore an entire green suit with some kind of shield on his his back. A turtle-based miraculous? Next to him stood a girl in all orange. She looked like a fox. That must be Lila!

"Spider-Man! There you did you disappear to? I left you with Chat!" Marinette crossed her arms, narrowing her eyes. Chat Noir's suit looks good on her. His thoughts said. Hold on. What?! He blinked his eyes harshly, trying to clear his head.

"I had to go recharge my Miraculous or something. It was beeping and that's what Chat Noir informed me I should go do." Peter scratched the back of his neck. "Y'know? You told me to use the Lucky Ch-"

"Don'tfinishthatsentence!" Marinette slapped a hand over his mouth. When did she get so close? "You say 'Lucky Charm' and it will activate your power. Then you'll have to go recharge again. So save it."

Peter shrugged her off. "Okay! I'm sorry. I didn't know. No one exactly told me-" He felt flustered. What's wrong with me?

"Tikki didn't explain it to you?"


"Well anyway. Chat obviously was able to fare okay on his own. So that's fine." She turned away, probably remembering that they were apparently angry at each other for reasons she didn't know.

"This is Carapace" she nodded to the guy in green. "And this is Rena Rogue." She gestured to the girl standing next to him. She didn't seem to acknowledge that they'd met before. Maybe she didn't recognise him? Or maybe she was pretending not to know who he was.

"I'm Spider-Man." He greeted, and the heroes smiled back at him before turning back to face Switcheroo.

"Uhhhh also, Spider-Man?" Chat asked, suddenly appearing behind Peter, making him flinch. "I might also kind-of know your identity." He whispered.

"You what?" Peter froze.

Chat seemed to decide to tell Peter in English. Perhaps so the others understood his whispers less? "Uhh.. I can fill you in later, but this weird uh- robotic voice in your suit. Introduced herself as KAREN? She was like 'hey hold on, you're not-' and then said your name. So I don't know your last name. So technically I probably don't know your identity. But I know your first name." He stood back up. "I figured I should let you know."

Peter must have looked horrified, even with his mask on, but Chat Noir went to reassure him. "It's okay. I can keep a secret. Cat's honour." He bowed. "Although, I guess I'm not Chat Noir anymore. Spider-Noir? Spider's honour? I don't know. You get the idea."

"Enough chit-chat!" Switcheroo yelled, growing restless. She glared at all of them. "There's too many of you! And I can't understand a thing any of you are saying."

"Has anyone told you that your suit is ridiculous?" Chloe snorted. "It's utterly ridiculous!"

"I literally just said that I have zero idea what you're saying, Stripes, but I think that was directed at me?" Switcheroo raised an eyebrow.

"-And she only speaks English too? Ugh!" Chloe turned her head away and stomped her foot. Peter rolled his eyes.

"Switcheroo!" Peter called out, "Please! Just surrender and let us capture the Akuma! Hawkmoth has deceived you! Whatever he's told you, it's not true!"

"We've been over this Bug-boy! No thanks." Switcheroo called back. She tossed the black vile between her two hands. "I'm just waiting for my cue here, and then I might surrender. Probably not." She yawned. "But in the meantime, I'd like to steal your miraculous, because I'm getting bored!" She hurled her boomerang towards them. "I see you've brought some new friends with you!"

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