Chapter Two

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I feel like I’ve been walking forever. I look exactly like Mom now. Same braid. Same boots. Same jacket. The only thing different is that mom is wearing a Mocking Jay pin. That was the sign of the rebellion. But Mom is sometimes called ‘Mocking Jay’ now. Only when it’s an official thing. But other than that, she’s usually called Katniss.

“Sorry that it’s so far away. The house Aunt Prim and I grew up in was only five minutes away. Now that we’re in the Victor’s Village, it takes longer.” Mom explains.

I just keep walking and nod. We come to a green meadow.

“Wow.” I say.

“Well, dinner isn’t going to hunt itself!” Mom say with a cheerful tone.

We come to a big chain linked fence. Mom stops for a minute and listens. I can only hear birds.

“Let’s go.  Do you want to go first?” Mom asks.

She lifts up a huge part of the fence on the very bottom. I need to crawl to get under. Mom soon follows. We walk for about five minutes. Mom finds a log and pulls out a wooden bow with about forty arrows.

“Kenzie,” Mom whispers, “hold the bow like this”. I do as I’m told. “Now, string the arrow, carefully,” she says. I string it as she shows me with a bigger bow. “Relax. Target your prey. Use that tree. Act like it’s a squirrel. Now breathe in, pull the arrow. When you let go, exhale. Ready, go!” I shot the tree. I really shot it. “Yes!” I whisper. Mom gives me a hug. “I’m so proud of you! Now, let’s try something a bit more difficult. Look at that squirrel. I want you to kill it. It can be anywhere. Just kill it, or injure it at the least,” Mom whispers.

I relax. I string the arrow. I target my prey. I breathe in. I pull the arrow. ‘Release’ I tell myself. Direct hit, right in the neck.

“Good job!” Mom whispers. “Now, I want to teach you all of the edible plants. Let’s go down to the pond to fish. We can pick some strawberries,” Mom smiles.

I start to loosen up a bit, too. The woods is where we’re both safe. We can be who we want. We can smile, sing, laugh, dance, cry, and even sleep, probably. I love the woods now. Today we got one gallon of strawberries, ten fish, five squirrels, a deer, and two bags full of greens.

“We’re going to have a feast!!!” I say.

“Ok, then you go cook with Dad. I need to check on Haymitch and take a nap,” Mom says.

“Mom, I love you. And now I love the woods. Now I know you better than I would if you didn’t bring me hunting,” I say. I give her a big hug.

“I love you too Mac Kenzie and I know a lot about you, too. You’re just like your grandfather. But I need to ask you something,” Mom suddenly gets serious.

“One—you can’t tell anyone at school that you go hunting. Not even Rue or Prim. They’re both too young. Two—if anyone asks, say that you were helping me take care of Haymitch because he has a cold. And three—I need you to do something very important for me. I need you to sing this four- note tune. I can teach you a song later,” mom says, softening a bit.

She whistles a tune. All of the birds go silent. Then one sings the same exact tune that Mom just did that.

“That’s so cool! What bird is that?!” I ask eagerly.

“They’re called Mockingjays. My favorite bird.”

“Mine too.” I reply.

I sing the tune. The birds go silent, and then one sings the tune in the exact tune and pitch that I did.

“Yep. Exactly like your grandfather,” she said.

I smile. I can’t wait to get home.

“Mom, can I tell dad about the Mocking Jays? I won’t tell anyone else.” I ask.

“You can tell Dad, Haymitch, or me. No one else. Ok?” she asks. “Ok.” And with that, we start to walk home.


Here is chapter 2!!!! so please vote and comment! thanks!

love, Mia

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