0.4) Opps?

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Dinner in a word was, amusing. Makenna ignored the weird looks that she got from everyone around the table. "Isn't this nice, the five of us eating dinner together. Such a treat. Is this what you had in mind when you pulled the dagger out of my brother?" Klaus asked, pure amusement in his voice, he thought he had won. Again.

"Well, i know what he felt about you, so i figured the more the merrier." Damon spoke, obviously knowing something Klaus and Kenna did not. 

"Well, Elijah and i have had our share of quarrels over the centuries but we always make it through. " Klaus spoke, mainly speaking to Elijah. Making sure he was forgiven. 

"Kind of like, uh, you and Rebekah, right?" Stefan jousted, 'Why are you trying to anger the hybrid?' she thought to herself. Did this vampire wish to die? "Where is she by the way? Last i checked, she was still daggered because you were afraid to face her."

"If you're referring to the fact that Rebekah knows i killed our mother i've already come clean to Elijah." Klaus spoke, smiling at his brother. 

"Hey, Stef, remember when you killed dad?" Damon asked sarcastically "Might want to dial down the judgement till dessert." This had Kenna laughing, ceasing all conversation.

"Oh Bloody hell, this is a dysfunctional group. The Hybrid, who kidnaps women and killed his own mother, The noble stag who always forgives his brother no matter what, The ripper who killed his dad and still thinks hes a good guy, and then the brother who pretends not to are but cares more then the ripper. Continue." She spoke. 

"And what about you love?" Klaus asked. To which she raised an eyebrow in question. "How are you dysfunctional?"

"Oh you know, i've been trained to kill my father after he tried to kill me at the age of one. He did manage to kill me, but then i was brought back and my psychopath mother killed him." She spoke. "Now back to the interesting dinner we are having. This is going to be an long evening."

"Stefan. Where is the lovely Elena tonight?" Elijah asks. Unknowing what to say to the strange woman who just spoke to them.

"I don't know. Ask Damon." Stefan sassed making Klaus laugh. Elijah looked very confused.

"I'm sorry, you missed so much. Ah, trouble in paradise." Klaus spoke, still laughing. 

"One more word about Elena, and, uh, this dinner is over." Stefan spoke.

"Jesus someone's on his period." Makenna spoke. 

"You know what, probably best just to keep Elena-" Suddenly Damon's sentence was cut off by Makenna's phone playing 'Who let the dog's out' meaning that Sirius was calling. 

"I am sorry, my godfather is calling. I have to take this." She stepped into the next room, not knowing that Niklaus would hang on every word she said.

(P- Sirius M- Makenna.)

M- Padfoot, everything okay?

P- Umm... depends on what you mean by okay

M- no one dead or dying.

P- Well, then, yes everything's okay. Except for the fact that Ron's an alcoholic. 

M- What?! How did i not know this?!

P- Well, since Fred's death he started drinking, no one knew. Until you left, he had no one to be good for anymore. 

M- Pad, i gotta go I am currently at a dinner party with a bunch of Vampire. Toodles. 

Makenna walked back in again and saw Klaus and his family surrounded by a women, very very confused. "Opps." She said when their head snapped to them. 

"Who the bloody hell are you?" Rebekah snapped. 

"Makenna Riddle." Ester spoke, smirk on her face.

"Call me that again and i will end your life!" Makenna snapped. "Ah, Ester Mikealson. How pathetic you really are. I always preferred Dahlia." Makenna smirked when the original witch paled. "Do not test me witch. I have all 3 of the hallows." And again, Ester paled. 

"Who the bloody hell do you think you are?" Rebekah screamed at her, running to her but she was stopped by a barrier.

"Dear Rebekah, i do not wish to make an enemy out of any of you. I only wish to live peacefully and wait till i may see my mother." She said, Rebekah looked at the girl. 

"Friends?" Rebekah asked with her hand stuck out.

"Of course." Makenna smiled and shook her hand. 

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